City parks are wasteful and useless - says people who have never lived within walking distance of a good park and drive everywhere
They arent wasteful or useless, but they do tend to suck due to the sheer numbers of people who use them.
I believe, the solution to that is more parks.
Supplementary solution: abolish billboards and oversized/tall signposts.
Hawaii did this, and it looks amazing. Other states have banned billboards too.
This actually does seem to work. Vancouver has a LOT of parks, and I don’t find them crowded or underutilized. It’s a nice balance where there are people to talk to but you can find your own quiet spot too
Apparently we have 250 parks, making up 11% of Vancouver’s land mass
Grinder 😏
Get out there and consume!
Everything is nature.
Yeah, you can take in beauty anywhere, even a plastic bag floating in the wind. It’s more a mind set. If you deliberately look for goodness and beauty, you’ll find it. I could stroll down 5th avenue NYC and look up and be in awe of the towering monuments to human ingenuity and grit all around me. Or I can take that same walk and fixate in on litter and grumble.
Yeah, you stand in awe of the human ingenuity behind a strip mall, Taylor. Really take it all in.
Look at that line cook smoking a cig in the twighlight of the panda express sign. He’s squatted on the milk crate like a shitting monkey.
Yeah, you can take in beauty anywhere, even a plastic bag floating in the wind.