Especially since in the height of my pirating years during teenagerdom, no amount of cajoling or coercion could get me to pay for whatever it was because I didn’t have any money. Which not at all coincidentally was why I was pirating it in the first place.
So where’s the MAFIAA? Here you go guys, literal industrial scale piracy.
Or are you afraid to go after someone that isn’t a teenager in their parent’s back room?
Fighting Meta will cost easy more money than fighting a teenager.
I am aware. I was simply demonstrating they were never about money, simply bullying people who couldn’t fight back.
Especially since in the height of my pirating years during teenagerdom, no amount of cajoling or coercion could get me to pay for whatever it was because I didn’t have any money. Which not at all coincidentally was why I was pirating it in the first place.