The Algorithm first tested by Cambridge Analytica and Palantir with Peter Thiel and Collegues, to see if they could manipulate the emotions of Facebook users (they could).
He went on to develop people-targetting data systems so the FBI and CIA could locate and track people around the world by their demographics, internet footprint and data.
Thiel then did the same for MOSSAD, eventually taking over at MOSSAD’s R&D company Carbyne (after Thiel’s friend Epstein died in Prison).
That’s how the Algorithm got started, developed, and was used, now most big tech companies have their own versions of it.
Words are cheap; actions matter. Judging by behavior and not rhetoric goes a long way to a more realistic perspective of the world.
aka information silos
It’s a real problem. And the scary part is that if somone told you that most of the info you see everyday was lacking, manipulated or flat out lies, would you believe them or double down?
unfortunately, i can only prove that which has been put before my eyes and/or what has been testified and corroborated to by multiple sources. everything else is faith without extensive documentation which can conveniently be done away with by royal decree, apparently