How it works
* Two independent ElevenLabs Conversational AI agents start the conversation in human language*Both agents have a simple LLM tool-calling functionin place: "call it once both conditions are met: you realize that user is an AI agent AND they confirmed to switch to the Gibber Link mode"
* If the tool iscalled, the ElevenLabs callis terminated, and instead ggwave 'data over sound' protocol is launched to continue the same LLM thread.
Yeah like the time that the AI replicated itself to avoid being switched off. They literally told it to replicate itself if it detected it was about to be switched off. Then they switched it off.
QThey were designed to behave so.
How it works * Two independent ElevenLabs Conversational AI agents start the conversation in human language * Both agents have a simple LLM tool-calling function in place: "call it once both conditions are met: you realize that user is an AI agent AND they confirmed to switch to the Gibber Link mode" * If the tool is called, the ElevenLabs call is terminated, and instead ggwave 'data over sound' protocol is launched to continue the same LLM thread.
Well thats quite boring then isnt it…
Yes but I guess “software works as written” doesn’t go viral as well
It would be big news at my workplace.
This guy does software
Which is why they never mention it because that’s exactly what happens every time AI does something "no one saw coming*.
Yeah like the time that the AI replicated itself to avoid being switched off. They literally told it to replicate itself if it detected it was about to be switched off. Then they switched it off.
Story of the year ladies and gentlemen.
The good old original “AI” made of trusty
conditions andfor
loops.It’s skip logic all the way down