nginx (“engine x”) is an HTTP web server, reverse proxy, content cache, load balancer, TCP/UDP proxy server, and mail proxy server. […] [1]
I still pronounce it as “n-jinx” in my head.
- Title (website): “nginx”. Publisher: NGINX. Accessed: 2025-02-26T23:25Z. URI:
- §“nginx”. ¶1.
I thought it was pronounced N-G-N-X
NGNX, the other tetragrammaton.
Although I’m Jewish, so I should probably write it N-NX.
That is the protagonist from the (IMHO excellent) movie Equilibrium. He describes himself as a “tetragrammaton cleric.” Prior to your comment, I didn’t know the first word had any actual real world meaning, so that’s where my mind went when I saw you use it. (Apologies if this is disrespectful to the intent of the word.)
As an interesting side note, supposedly that movie is what got Christian Bale cast as Batman.
Sounds cool, will add to the watch list.
I’m hella atheist, for the record, so no worries. Any actual Jewish practice was a few mothers ago, but mentioning it added both humour and another hint for people who know the concept but not the word.
Where did the I go?
To be or not to be, that is the question
Where did I come from?