Like, i can’t genuinely understand why I see so many post and memes about things like: “White people things that black people enjoy” “Black people things that white people should try” “Thing that Asian people should make others do”
It feels like people in the U.S. the moment they see someone skin color they immediately make sweeping generalisations about them (which sounds super racist to me but OK), which also makes integration more difficult, because instead of an interesting mixture of cultures it makes for immovable blocks of stereotypes
Am I just seeing a small bubble of content or missing something or what? Please explain it to me
The US is way more racist than you would think. Also extremely uptight. It isn’t the greatest place like people would have you believe, that’s just hype. Something that America does excel at.
This is relative. The US is more open about it’s racism and it being bad. Most countries are super racist, it’s just different targets depending on the region.
And yet until a few weks ago America was trying to fix these problems whereas a ton of other nations just pretend they have no racial problems and yet they throw bananas on the pitch when Africans are playing or suddenly rival the Ku Klux Klan for hate when someone brings up the Roma peoples.
Who is telling you it’s the greatest place? I would say anyone doing that would come off like an idiot for a variety of reasons
I think a lot of it comes from American media which is widely consumed not just here but across the world.
Tons of people around the world have a false view of the US as some sort of utopia. Maybe that is declining in recent years but it’s still a major perception, otherwise people would not spend so much time, energy and money trying to immigrate here.
This is a very common thing that is said by too many people, politicians, artists, business people, the news, government. It’s like a virus of denial. America is famous for ramping everything up to 1000. Over the top bullshit. And yes, they are complete idiots.
Maybe my question should’ve had the caveat “who isn’t an obvious extreme idiot”