“Good enough for game pass”
Laura brings up some excellent points
- Obsidian shipped on time, after being acquired
- Obsidian already has outer worlds 2 in the works
- Obsidian gets the OW team back together
Avowed may not be a win on its own, but in the context of a MS studio it’s a win, and they cleared their plate to focus on OW2.
I will admit I haven’t watched the video (I’m going to when I get home) but I thought Avowed was doing pretty well?
A number of major podcasts and outlets are signing its praises. It has some divisive scores for sure, but I’ve certainly anecdotally heard way more praise than criticism from games media, and friends of mine who are playing.
Obsidian have been on a pretty decent roll for quite some time. Avowed is exactly what Gamepass was seeking to support - smaller focused games, and it ain’t even that small. 30-50 hours from what I’m hearing.
I’m not even a massive fan of the genre, or the studio, but I don’t really get the negativity surrounding the game. Seems pretty successful by most metrics to me.
if steam is any indication i would not call it a success: https://steamdb.info/app/2457220/charts/#max
it’s not really an indication considering it’s a gamepass title
Its also available on battle net where they keep advertising it to me 😡.
May be diluted by that too.
What you are hearing is Microsoft sponsored cope. Anyone, having two neurons to rub together, who enjoyed past Obsidian games is overwhelmingly disappointed at how little interactivity the world has, how limited your interactions are and how insipid it is. If this is what gamepass is bringing to the table then it will inevitably fail because at this level of quality for first party it’s competing with mobile games on a much more accessible platform.
Edited to be more precise
I disagree, I’ve been enjoying it so far. I still think OW beats it out of the water though.