At this point, with specific regard to populations that are willfully ignorant and resistant to obvious and basic public health precautions: I’m at the point where my reaction is simply “good luck with that”.
I know there are considerations for immune compromised people - I’m on an immune-suppressing med myself. But holy fuck, if these idiots still haven’t found the plot after 5 years and a whole fucking pandemic, they’re not going to.
At this point, with specific regard to populations that are willfully ignorant and resistant to obvious and basic public health precautions: I’m at the point where my reaction is simply “good luck with that”.
I know there are considerations for immune compromised people - I’m on an immune-suppressing med myself. But holy fuck, if these idiots still haven’t found the plot after 5 years and a whole fucking pandemic, they’re not going to.
We’ve nerfed natural selection a bit too hard if you ask me.