Is that just bicurious? (I’m asking in general, not as myself because I’m bi for sure.)
I know people probably ask this a lot but I genuinely want to know now.
I’m pretty sure that’s just being straight. You have to be attracted to both genders in order to be bi, so wishing you felt attracted to the same gender but only being attracted to the opposite gender is straight.
“I’m just not into women” contradicts being bi.
As a lesbian who’s experienced compulsive heterosexuality, I’ve wanted to be interested in men just as I was in women and tried to convince myself I was.
However, like her, “I just wasn’t attracted” to them. While I wished I felt for them what I felt for women, it didn’t mean I was into men, I just wished I was. That still makes me a lesbian.
I don’t recall genuinely ever being into men in my 22 years of life, even boys and boyfriends I tried to force myself to like to “prove to myself” I wasn’t gay.
Heterosexual bi-romantic
Do you know people like this? Dating someone you’re not romantically interested in is basically just being friends.
I do, she wants to date women but can’t find any that attract her
This is probably not at all what this person is like, but the way I read this made me picture someone desperate to prove that they’re cool and hip by being part of the LGBTQIA+ community. I have never heard of anyone like this, though I have heard of someone very European claiming to be native American for the street cred so I wouldn’t say no one would ever do the same with sexuality.
One of my friends states that she is very rude to them and that she thinks the LGBT community is “cute”, so I don’t know
Probably heterosexual, biromantic.
Okay if she thinks she would like to but can’t find anyone who fits the bill then there is still a chance it wouldn’t work even if she does eventually find someone. So yes I would call that bicurious but it could very well be straight with a kink. Sometimes telling apart which things only work as a fantasy isn’t easy.
That’s pretty much me. I don’t really have a name for it. I just call myself queer, or sometimes panromantic.
You like men but would be interested in dating women although they don’t attract you right now or…?
That’s pretty cool though :3
I’m panromantic, but attracted to men, however I only date women and gender diverse folk on that end of the gender spectrum. My partner is a woman :)
Ooooohhhh!! That’s awesome!!
Personally, I’m kind of the inverse. I’m romantically attracted to both genders and while I can find attractive men, I wouldn’t be interested in dating one.