Interestingly worded title - did the car drive itself into the crowd? No, right? Then why would they word it like that?
Anyway, more evidence to support the fact that cars are far too efficient as weapons to be granted as much free rein as they are today. Bollards save lives, implement them liberally throughout any areas with pedestrians.
After driving into pedestrians, prosecutors says the suspect shot himself in the mouth but survived, and he is in a stable condition in hospital
Und deshalb liebe Kinder schießt man sich nicht in den Mund. Hoffe der Mongo ist jetzt wenigstens vom Hals an gelähmt…
Ich korrigiere, das Handelsblatt schreibt was von “mit einer Schreckschusspistole”… fuck wie dumm, Schläfe hätte auch damit klappen können…
Keeping an eye on this because it is a concerning trend
Mannheim Steamroller flattens crowd.
How would you word the title though? I think the title needs to be very neutral at first, especially when they don’t have many details to tell whether it was an accident, and attack, if it was driven by a man, a woman, in auto mode, etc. I’m pretty sure they will report it as an attack if the police confirms it was.
‘Driver hits pedestrians with car’ is neutral enough.
That’s banished from polite editorialising for being rude to drivers, cars kill so many we’d ban them from all cities already if the press hasn’t been inventing euphemisms for a century. It sometimes leaks into reporting about this new mode of vehicular terrorism. They’re so objective they can’t yet tell whether it’s a deliberate henious act or just normal car insanity which is treated as a sad but unavoidable fact of life where the car just swerves due to conditions and stuff. Interesting to see in the wild.
P.s. though, with self-driving systems, that title will probably be technically correct again at some point
Unfortunately and as with everything, the actions of a few cause a reaction that affects so many. The rise of the right has been driven primarily by immigration of people looking for the promise of democratic freedom and opportunity. These incidents are used to prevent this migration entirely.
Is this right? Should people have a right to migrate in hopes of a better life? Some you might identify as far left don’t feel boarders should exist at all. Others believe that borders should be sealed and only people who would benefit the society within should enter (sadly based on the colour of their skin as well). The obvious answer is that the best practice probably falls somewhere in the middle.
I have two takes on this. The first is that immigration should be ended as we are entering the end of our societies ability to support existing populations with food and shelter, due to climate change. The second is that regardless of circumstances, never flee your country if you don’t like what’s going on. Fight to change it, even if you have to die trying. That is what I plan to do.
How do you feel about child quotas? Japan’s pretty strict on their immigration law and seems to be crashing anyway.
oh look it’s a suit and tie fascist, they’re so polite about their bigotry! here you go 🍪
I’m not a bigot at all. I’m only questioning how practical mass immigration is in the modern age.
so you agree with the fascist part? not surprising
The suspect is a German with no migration background.
I saw that but the article also listed many recent attacks that were the case.
You’re asking other people to sacrifice their own life while you pontificate about “sacrifice” in one of the wealthy nations currently facing down fascism.
What will they do when violence begins in the west? Run away again?
Fuck that’s horrible. So many recent attacks in Germany… It’s terrible to see those headlines
I refuse to believe that those are all just isolated incidents. Someone is pulling some strings here.
Or, and hear me out here, the current political climate scares people and those with psychological issues can be pushed over the edge more easily. This man has been known for issues like that according to Zeit online.
It could be a more centralized group in Germany since it’s always the same kind of attacks. Horrible.
Or maybe Russian operatives paying people to do this to help the extreme right distabelise Europe
A group of what? There are people that heard about the attacks and are immitating them. Cars are easy to obtain weapons, sadly.