The IRS rules governing nonprofits still required the Mozilla Foundation to beg big to go big: the parent had to go find big grants from Soros, Ford, Knight, MacArthur, and give smaller grants to many. This put it in the lefties-only-no-righty-Irish-need-apply revolving-door personnel sector of NGOs and nonprofits (too many glowies there for me, too). Which meant I had a hostile MoFo over my head the minute I got CEO appointment from the MoCo board…
Of course I can’t comment on anything about my exit, for reasons that only the most loopy HN h8ers still can’t figure out.
“Glowies”? As in “glow in the dark CIA n-words”? Bro turned into Tarry Davis.
Somehow, I knew it was Eich man.
Eich should have been banned from any technical enterprise after inflicting Javascript on us all. His shitty views just reinforce that position further.
Is this dude schizophrenic or something? What the fuck does he mean “Irish only apply”?
The irony that he is mad about woke when irish people were also shit fury on.
He’s got a “white guys are persecuted” complex because people call him out for abusing gays, trans people, women and minorities. He’s comparing that to the not-very-effective anti-Irish prejudice in the 19th century. Unlike the murderous attacks on Black Americans and Chinese immigrants, it was never ensrined in law and was largely ignored: Irish people could vote, marry who they wanted to, own property, run businesses and hold political office. The main sources of anti-Irish animusat the time were the Know Nothing party and its friends in the KKK. Both hated the Irish for being Catholic.
Historically Irish people were hated in the US and you would often find “No Irish” on job postings
It is used as a substitute for minority in the CEO’s context as a way to say Mozilla allowed minorities to apply for jobs
I’m confused what is this about?
What the fuck is it with the “Tech Friendly” companies going to shit?
They grew up getting their heads shoved into toilets, and are now eager to shove somebody else’s head into the toilet. I’m in my mid-30s, and I absolutely remember the teachers turning a blind eye to a bunch of kids ganging up on me with sticks in middle school, only to get detention for hitting them back with the book of arthurian legends I was trying to read.
We basically got taught that bullying is a good thing the strong do to the weak, and it fucked up multiple generations.
That’s the thing. They always were shit, just with Trump’s War on Woke, they now feel like the money they’ve always spent on good will of the public, DEI programs, keeping a muzzle on the racist/misogynistic/bigoted person running the company isn’t really needed. Now all that “wasted” money can go where it belongs…into shareholder profits.
I like to say it has become fashionable not to hide it. Lol.
Yeah, that works too
Between this, Proton and Firefox’s change of terms, most of the advice I’ve seen on tech that protects your privacy seems like it’s going the way of the dino.
the only one of these that surprised me at all was firefox going to shit, and that started months ago with a smaller thing.
What’s proton’s change of terms? I’m not privy.
im not aware of proton changing terms, but their CEO announced he has trump’s dick down his throat. well, as far as it’ll reach. between his lips, at least. so they can’t really be trusted to not snitch at this point.
Proton is fine, they use encryption, but don’t expect anonymity, since it’s email ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Firefox changed terms. Proton is just run by a twat.
Proton is great though.
What a clown, nothing new sadly
I understood what he said. Strip out some rude terms and it sounds accurate. The comments here sound like someone shouted “squirrel” to a pack of rabid dogs.
I also lack common sense and am posting this comment. In my feeble defense I really don’t know the guy, and suspect he likes baiting others
Which is accurate? It reads like an unhinged paranoid conspiracist. Do you think Geroge Soros runs mozilla? Do you think it’s being controlled by federal agents?
Oh dear, here I go.
Do you have reading skills?
You said it “sounds accurate” then complained about people’s criticism of it. You didn’t actually give any detail about what’s accurate about it or try to explain it in terms that aren’t “rude”.
So my reading comprehension is fine, it’s just your ability to actually explain what it is you agree with (in terms that aren’t “rude”) is lacking.
- list of donors that are not all left
- parent organizations that get money from above
- mozilla gets money from parents
Op latches onto one donor; pulls some other stuff out , and the crowd goes wild
This put it in the lefties-only-no-righty-Irish-need-apply revolving-door personnel sector of NGOs
Ok, so you say the donors are not all left, so why would a politically diverse set of donors result in Mozilla having “lefties-only” hiring practices? Reading comprehension requires some critical thinking.
It seems Brendan Eich doesn’t understand that it’s a politcal diverse group that donated to Mozilla (as you do), given the next sentence. Someone with strong reading comprehension would understand logic of, but I’ll explain it to you. His statement is saying that Mozilla became a politically biased organization because of influence from those that donated to it.
Though your strong reading comprehension may have resulted in you having a different interpretation of “lefties-only-no-righty-Irish-need-apply” to mean… well maybe explain what that means to us poor illiterate people that don’t possess your intellectual prowess, LOL.
Also do you care to comment on your interpretation on the “glowies” remark? What does that word mean to you? What is Brendan Eich saying there? Something you agree with I guess.
Okay, but what’s the bad part here? That’s just a very generic overview of how donating works.
The bad part is four things:
- the op either deliberately or legitimately did not understand what was being said
- the vast majority of the comments just read what the op wrote and not what was said
- having this many comments out of whack with this many upvotes gives ammunition to the bigots
- this is a tech forum ??
the vast majority of the comments just read what the op wrote and not what was said
What part of my post isn’t something he said
Having fun with the… reverse sealioning?
The original op took some things out of context, Ford, last I checked, was not a bastion of the left. He names big donors.
Then he describes how that money trickles down; and the last I checked the not so polite description is more accurate than not.
I don’t mind people bashing bad guys here; and I’m sure this fellow has spent years raiding your hackles. But some people like me, it’s just embarrassing to read
“Ford, last I checked, was not a bastion of the left.”
The Ford Foundation is located in New York City at the Center for Social Justice
The Ford Foundation is one of the primary foundations offering grants that support and maintain diversity in higher education
This spineless mouth breather just realised there’s a buck to be made by glazing other alt-right mouth breathers. At least he can finally be himself now. Thankfully, his product is just google chrome repackaged and thereby sucks major ass.
just realised
“Just”? No, he’s always been open about this, and that’s why his appointment as Mozilla CEO was so controversial in 2014, and why the board revolted and he ended up resigning 11 days into his tenure.
The whole origin story of Brave is steeped in right wing politics.
Sounds like pretty standard far right brainrot.
brave is just chromium, i wonder when google wants to cut them off down the line.
Chromium is open source, so Google can’t cut them off.
Well. They can stop updating the open source code, create manifest v4 and now all chromium browsers are shit out of luck.
Brave has always seemed shady to me. I mean it has built in crypto spam.