This is the primary reason I’ve not given agents more power than something extremely controlled (I.e. only a function to turn on/off the lights). As I was always concerned that these generational models might accidentally do something dumb or annoying, let alone something that might be illegal or harmful.
I don’t really see how anyone would ask AI to complete something completely autonomously at this stage, without oversight.
Good for image classification and tagging to automate sorting all the images off my phone. Some fun chatbots to soundboard ideas off. Anything involving credit cards, bank details, personal info near the internet? That’s a big nope.
Why Signal is not in f-droid? Is there a statement from them about it? What I know is only in Google store . And talking to much about privacy and not being in a f-droid repo, is ironic
It’s available on F-droid through the Guardian Project repo.
since when? that’s good news to me!
the alternatives seem to be Molly on the main repo and Signal-FOSS on TwinHelix’s
They also offered their .apk directly through their site with an included downloader last I checked, but I would love it to on f-droid
Add Guardian Project repo. It’s there.
Thanks for posting this. I haven’t heard her before. She knows her shit.
Oh my god I haven’t seen Guy in years! He’s such a wonderful guy (heh). I think our last interaction was on Google’s G+. 😳
EDIT: Wow, that was a good panel.
huh didn’t know she was this good looking. Also, fair points.
Talk about irrelevant comment. Blocked.
talk about a n irrelevant comment! you’re informing us you’ve blocked someone, hahaha
Are we blocking this person too?! Let’s go!
It’s a “block party”! </dadjoke>
I’ll show myself out.
Do you qualify all women you meet this way or only those involved in your interests?
Whats wrong with saying someone is good looking?
It’s weird that you think it’s relevant.
Well put
hero material.
my family contributes $5 monthly to the signal foundation. consider doing the same if you are able.
the entire family uses it personally and for business so its among the best montly contribs we make.
Doing my part o7
“A computer can never be held accountable - therefore a computer must never make a management decision”. - IBM Training manual, 1979.
So jazzed to live here in the future where we have AI making insurance denials and deciding drone targets! /s
Good on her for standing against the Silicon Valley doom hype machine.