“I’m knittin’ like a fuckin electric nan”

  • 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: January 15th, 2022


  • A lot of these issues can probably be solved in one of two ways:

    1. Buy a computer from a company that sells Linux computers. Hardware issues should be nonexistent, and sometimes there’s even a customized DE that smoothes out package installation.

    2. Have a friend help you get up and running. I’ve given out a few Mint machines lately, and I always boot it up and preconfigure some stuff before I hand it over.

    Generally, I think most modern distros are well within the capability of anyone brave and savvy enough to flash a USB drive and boot their computer from it. If they don’t have that level of technical skill, that’s okay, but then I’d say pick from the two options above.

  • “The U.N. World Food Program said Wednesday that it has handed out in Gaza in recent days a “limited number” of high-energy biscuits that arrived from a U.S.-built pier”

    – Ridiculous

    “Pentagon spokesman Maj. Gen. Patrick Ryder told reporters Tuesday that he did not believe any of the aid from the pier had yet reached people in Gaza. Sullivan said a day later that some aid had been delivered “specifically to the Palestinians who need it.””

    – Sounds like the general was reprimanded after his first comment.

    “American officials hope the pier at maximum capacity can bring the equivalent of 150 truckloads of aid to Gaza each day. That’s a fraction of the 600 truckloads of food, emergency nutritional treatments and other supplies that USAID says are needed each day”

    –Even if this was working at max capacity, which it definitely isn’t, it wouldn’t be nearly enough.

    "The WFP had warned this week that the U.S. project could fail unless Israeli authorities gave clearances and cooperation for alternate land routes and better security.

    Humanitarian officials and the U.S. say the sea route is not a replacement for bringing aid through land crossings, and they have repeatedly called on Israel to allow a steady large flow of trucks through entry points and to ensure aid workers are safe from the Israeli military."


  • Not a “not a fart” exactly, butt anyways… You ever eat a lot of cereal at one sitting? Like a whole box? Don’t try that with Frosted Mini Wheats. I did, and then I went to my job baking bagels. I had just gotten all the shelves in the oven full of bagels (idk like 30 dozen). I felt a rumbling that told me I had seconds before release. I grabbed my manager, handed him the peel and told him which rack was coming out first. I didn’t wait for his reply, but I ran to the single bathroom in our busy restaurant and by some miracle it was unoccupied. Not a second to spare and then total relief.