I’m looking to cart products around to sell on foot.
Basically I want a box on wheels with bars in the front that I can lift and then walk forward. Similar to the idea of a rickshaw, but instead of seats for people, a container that can hold ~200lbs of weight. Or the type of thing you’d connect to a bike, except I want to just pull it on foot. The added element is that I want to be collapsible or able to be dismantled when not in use. Surely this must exist but I have no idea what term to use to search for it.
“Rickshaw” mainly brings results related to pedicabs. The closest I got was “utility cart” like this for example. But the problem with these, unlike a rickshaw style design, is they don’t scale well with the addition of weight where two wheels is easier than 4, depending on the surface. Also, versions that can be taken apart of collapses aren’t rugged enough.
I’ve used a hand truck put into the flat configuration in the past. But that lacks the box component to contain the products. I can stack boxes on it, but that gets unstable. And, again, the 4 wheel flat design doesn’t scale well with weight compared to the rickshaw concept.
So, yeah: what do you call that?
You might be looking for a handcart. Popular during medieval times, and among Mormon pioneers.
Maybe try searching for ‘kiosk’ with other words like ‘wheeled kiosk’ or ‘mobile kiosk’
This came up when I looked for wheeled kiosks.
I just call it a “Pull Cart”.
Or “Cart” for short.Thank you. I’ll play more with searches for pull cart, though they tend to bring up a different design than what I had in mind. That said, something like this, maybe would work (although it doesn’t break down into something storable as well as some other options like the Polymule posted by someone else)
I would call that a wagon. There are foldable wagons, but finding a good quality, heavy duty one will be difficult. Also the collapsible ones are usually fabric, and if you need better support, you’ll probably need to add a plywood floor or more to it.
That’s a “bolderkar”. Very popular in Germany. People ferry their kids around in them.
or copious amounts of alcohol
True, true. Especially on Herrentag.
In my country we have these:
This is a dvoukolák (lit. twowheeler). According to the internet it can carry up-to 240 kg. Dvoukoláks often have bigger wheels and they’re not collapsible.
I looked on American Amazon and on Walmart’s website and I couldn’t find anything like it. Bike trailers seem to be closest to a dvoukolák.
Yes, thank you! That’s the type of setup I’m thinking of. Friends of the family had these when I was a kid
I think you’re going to struggle to find something that can carry 200lb and be collapsible. Most carts seem to either be for much less than that, or much more. I found several that looked a bit like what you may want by searching for ‘vendor cart’.
You may well be better off building/comissioning something to your spec though as a lot of the bigger carts are designed to be food stalls when stationary, so they’re probably unnecesarily heavy. I think you’d be able to make something along the lines of what you wanted with parts from your local DIY store.
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Sounds like you’re describing something like the Monowalker
There are some people who have done DIY hiking trailers by chopping up youth bikes too so maybe look into that as well.
Yes! This is definitely moving in the direction of what I meant. I just saw another response with something called the Polymule that pretty much encapsulates what I’m seeking. I think the two wheel set-up would work better for my needs, but I like this one too. Thank you for sharing the link!
Aerocart from Worx looks a little gimmicky, but might be closer to your needs.
If budget is no object, then maybe a Polymule at USD1000+.
Inbetween, there’s something like a “Foldit Cart”.
Try searches for folding wheelbarrow, folding garden cart, or folding “vermont” cart. Your options get better if you can live without it being collapsible.
This is awesome, thank you! Both the Polymule and the Foldit Cart are the type of thing I had in mind. Now to find the former for sale used…
I don’t know what access to hardware you have, but if I was you you would probably be better off making this yourself.
From what I’m understanding, you already have a hand cart/Dolly. I would advise that if you are not comfortable with welding to find a local machine shop most welders will be glad to pick up a simple job like this for $60 to $100 as you only really need a few welds to build out a basic frame on the dolly and extend the handles and casters to the dolly frame.
After you have the frame, all you need is a few 2x4s and plywood.
Check Costco. They sell carts like that since people use them for their grocery runs.
Thank you. I’ve tried those but unfortunately they don’t handle enough weight
Can try home depot style stores, you’ll find stuff more aimed at construction.
I think what you’re looking for is a Wagon?
Different concept. I’ve tried a wagon but I find the 4 wheels, under load, don’t do as well as the rickshaw type of design