since many people currently think about switching their email provider, i would like to recommend posteo.de. Over the years, i experienced a few other email providers (mailbox.org, gmail, and a few others i’m not sure about their name anymore.) and posteo.de is by far the best. I try to explain why. I use posteo since i think 8 years or something and am still very satisfied. (i dont work for posteo and i obvously dont get money from them for this post. I just like their services and want to share how awesome they are)
- they are independent from investors, meaning users pay 1$ and that is the only income they have. They can do that because they growed sustainable starting from a small business. So they dont have huge user growth which would need credits or something.
- you can pay anonymously, which is explained here: https://posteo.de/en/site/payment
- you can encrypt your email and calendar. That does not mean end to end encryption with PGP (you can do that obviously), but it means the email server software they use encrypts stuff with your password. This is explained here and is one of the most awesome and unique features, especially for the calendar: https://posteo.de/en/site/encryption#addressbookencryption
- german authorities sometimes request data from posteo illegally. For instance, they require to use encryption when requesting this data (so that no person in between can understand “aha the police searches for person XY”). While many other email providers simply accept these malformed requests, posteo resists them and publishes a transparency post about it: https://posteo.de/en/site/transparency_report
- i trust them to fight against undemocratic tendencies without compromises similar to the signal messenger.
- truly efficient spam filter! Over the 8 years i think i got less than 5 spam emails. Really amazing.
- Sometimes, email providers want to send you insecure email, for instance not properly encrypted. Posteo allows to reject such email. You get notified about that and its quite interesting, but you sometimes have to research and carefully think about who this might be coming from, because its not obvious from the domain name. (I.e. some external service which is used by some thing you registered recently).
- Notice how good and fast their website looks. The Service quality is equally good, like i don’t experience bugs or problems, the help system is clear and unambiguous, you also know how to get something working. Other email providers have a slow website, their documentation is inconsistent with the UI, you experience bugs etc.
- posteo also hosts email lists when asked via their support email.
- i have high trust in them that they never will become bad in any way. they are highly predictable in that regard. probably related to that they wont take investors.
- they donate to important independent german nonprofit entities like netzpolitik.org - which is a tech blog famous for being attacked by the highest german prosecutor for leaking some documents.
- they get their energy from green planet energy, which is a energy cooperative which emerged from the greenpeace movement. so it doesn’t do fake sustainable things like other energy companies.
link to the features and prices: https://posteo.de/en/site/features#featurespayment
Another plus in favor of posteo is they will never delete or block access to your account even if you stop paying (you just won’t be able yo send emails).
That’s a very unique trait amongst the privacy focused providers. In comparison, mailbox.org will recycle email addresses after a certain amount of time of not paying, potentially allowing someone to impersonate you by claiming your old address.