I know very little about gay rights history in the US but in a quick search I learned that the supreme court case that made same sex marriage legal was put forth by a Democrat.
Another thing is that I’m under the impression that the Replublican party is very much a Religeous party that does not reconize anything outside Men-Women relations. I’m always confused to hear about gay Republicans.
The issues with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Log_Cabin_Republicans seem similar to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_German_National_Jews, being gay isn’t a character trait, it’s a sexuality and its stands to reason that lots (although a minority) of gay people are generally conservative when it comes to every other issue than gay rights. And they deceive themselves into the idea that they can be “one of the good ones” and either that the party has already, or that they will move the party towards an accepting attitude.
LCR president Greg Angelo described the “preservation of LGBT rights and support for the LGBT community” as hallmarks of Donald Trump’s 2016 Presidential campaign, and asserted that support would continue during his presidency.
I know very little about gay rights history in the US but in a quick search I learned that the supreme court case that made same sex marriage legal was put forth by a Democrat.
Another thing is that I’m under the impression that the Replublican party is very much a Religeous party that does not reconize anything outside Men-Women relations. I’m always confused to hear about gay Republicans.
The issues with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Log_Cabin_Republicans seem similar to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_German_National_Jews, being gay isn’t a character trait, it’s a sexuality and its stands to reason that lots (although a minority) of gay people are generally conservative when it comes to every other issue than gay rights. And they deceive themselves into the idea that they can be “one of the good ones” and either that the party has already, or that they will move the party towards an accepting attitude.