Who is Nicole really? Who got messages from Nicole? Who is behind the messages? What is the resolution of Nicole’s profile images? Do I really have to be a racist to join her server? This comment section’s purpose is to collect all that information.
got hit twice. my only guess is I argue with Russian/Chinese bots
Idk, the Fediverse feels like it’s a niche. Too much effort to scam small number of people.
Also, does anyone got reply from “Nicole” after the initial DM?
@Peter_Arbeitslos thanks to @jonny I am now even more intrigued by this phenomenon!
Hey y’all, I know this theory might be a stretch, but remember that this could be someone using someone’s name/face without their permission to harass them or frame them or something. Please just keep that in mind as you dig.
It probably is, it looks like a frame grab from a webcam video.
With what appears to be a bong in shot. I can’t imagine someone using such an unflattering photo if they were using their own face.
Eh, it’s more than likely a pig-butchering scam.
The groups that do these are rather unsophisticated and mostly don’t speak english. It would make sense that their poor internet connections only have low quality photos and this is likely just one of many scams with equally-bad photos.
A decent quality photo isn’t that big, even over dialup you can send a better one.
Yeah, but when they’re dealing with possibly hundreds of these fake profiles they probably just go for the lowest quality they can get away with.
Even something like storage costs can add up pretty quickly in a 3rd world country.
This exactly tbh
Has anyone received any kind of response from Nicole? Or unsolicited contact from anyone, anywhere else after being Nicole’d?
Topic from the Matrix room:
I work at ***, *** ** **, Woodbridge, ON L4L 1A7, Canada. Come say hi sometime!
I work in the *** section, so just ask for Nicole!Does somebody live nearby?
This is creepy as hell.
She is most likely the victim of a stalker who’s trying to get her harassed and possibly fired
So update, topic was removed.
Everyone who got a Nicole message: Please get in touch here, you all might have something in common.
I got one, and I saw it being referenced somewhere else on some post, so I decided to search Nicole and found this community and your message then. Any idea what this means? What’s going on haha
I only got one after I mentioned somewhere that I hadn’t gotten one yet. It wasn’t immediately after, but close enough to make me suspicious.
I’ve had three, all identical messages, all from different usernames and accounts. I haven’t followed any of the links.
There is some variation in a college/university name:
- George Brown College
- Toronto Metropolitan University
Extra photos:
Those all look like screenshots from a video call.
Maybe we can get rainbolt involved?
I’m Nicole.
We all are Nicole on this blessed day.
Which both don’t exist anymore.