“Muñoz is now being held at a private detention center in Louisiana.”
They’re running out of drug prisoners so this is their fallback for their private prisons. 13th amendment
So he married someone that was here illegally, but voted for a guy that promised to deport all illegal aliens.
How fucking stupid are Trump voters?
How fucking stupid are Trump voters?
The most accurate response to this question is “Yes.”
Probably figured they could get married real quick and everything would be fine, “Trump’s only going after the thieves and rapists”.
A former acquaintance asked me to sponsor her husband of a couple months because they weren’t getting anywhere in his immigration and his visa had expired. She was extremely delusional about the entire process
I spent the last decade or so trying to convince these nimrods, but they need to learn the hard way apparently.
“I thought they were only going to go after and hurt the people that I hate!”, cries dumbass.
Stop saying ‘detained’. The word is imprisoned.
What is the charge? Eating a meal? A succulent Chinese meal?
You won, get over it
The only moral
abortionimmigrant wife is myabortionimmigrant wife.The only moral abortion immigrant wife is my abortion immigrant wife.
The only moral
abortionimmigrant wifecritique of power is myabortionimmigrant wifecritique of power.
We’ve been telling ya’ for years, years now.