I need to try that after I make my way through Planescape. I started BG1, but it just didn’t jibe with me all that much, which apparently is true for a lot of people. I probably should’ve just jumped to BG2.
I ended up going back to the first one after I finished the second one. It has its charm, and a pretty good story. level cap and the difficulty is what makes it a bit hard.
Baldur’s Gate 2 forever. 🖤
Dungeon Keeper 4 lyfe
Another amazing one.
Ohhh, and the original Diablo. Tristram was such a familiar place after a while.
I fucking love bullfrogs stuff so much. That and worldbuilders like Pharaoh, Rise of the middle kingdom, zeus, etc…
I need to try that after I make my way through Planescape. I started BG1, but it just didn’t jibe with me all that much, which apparently is true for a lot of people. I probably should’ve just jumped to BG2.
I ended up going back to the first one after I finished the second one. It has its charm, and a pretty good story. level cap and the difficulty is what makes it a bit hard.
I should do another run soon. Maybe add some more mods this time…
That’s my go-to “storyline” game. I have so many great (and terrible—thanks, Lich) memories of that game.
I picked it up on a whim, not knowing a single thing about it. Next thing you know, I’m collecting every Black Isle/BG game and spinoff.