A little over a year ago, a guy tried to ask me out and I’m the process said a few dumb things in an attempt to impress me. The dumbest of them all was that he was planning to buy a Cybertruck as his next vehicle. By the time he’d said this, I’d already long made up my mind about this guy. Mind, this was the period of time when Elon was just an asshole and hadn’t gone full Nazi yet, but even then, this dude’s choice of vehicle told me I’d made the right choice.
Theseadays I wonder if that guy ever got his idiot truck, and, whether he did or not, if he’s changed his mind about it.
why would the tesla engineers commit terrorism like this
It really is a metaphor for the current state of America.
Between this and the door falling off a Boeing airplane, not so sure we should be all hot to make everything in 'merica 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Boeing (and McDonnell Douglas before them) actually made good planes when engineers ran the show. Then, the finance bros took over.
Worth noting that both of these companies have essentially blank checks from the government and use it as a funnel for taxpayers to shareholders who then dont pay taxes. It’s a Ponzi scheme that just happens to make airplanes and shit people actually need.
But are too scared to nationalize.
Amazing. :)
Waiting for trump to send off musk to death camp for being a terrorist.
I think the current power dynamic in the whitehouse may make the opposite more likely.
This reminds me of “Clarke and Dawe - The Front Fell Off” skit XD
It’s 18 months old and falling apart, literally.
Every wankpanzer ever? I had to check it wasn’t the onion. It’s not the onion.
The side is falling off.
Here is a guy explaining the problem. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WldSl3HGr8
It appears multiple panels on the truck are just glued on which is crazy. Will Tesla just slather on bunch more glue and call it good? That seems like a bandaid over a pretty major problem. I’ll be sure there is a large distance between my car and one of these shitty trucks on the road in case they decide to shed some large panels.
Staying away from cybertrucks is just good sense anyway. They’re being driven by morons and are NOT safe to be in a collision with. S’why they’re not road legal in the EU - they’re too dangerous to things they collide with.
Small text on the bottom of purchase agreement: ~This vehicle is not meant to be used as transportation in an external environment, any use outside of a garage or small enclosed campus is outside of the scope of this vehicle’s design and should be avoided.~
I wonder if those protesters vandalizing Teslas know this is their big opportunity? Insurance companies insuring auto shops are fewer in number and more selective than those serving the general population. If these trucks were damaged while waiting for repairs, we might witness insurance companies altogether dropping coverage for shops. Without insurance these places will find it difficult to continue existing.
Just send them all to the scrap yard, fucking heaps of junk.
The difference with the old trim is that the new one will have a better adhesive assembly and “a stud welded to the stainless panel with a nut clamping the steel panel to the vehicle structure.”
It’s a good thing Elon doesn’t think “exposed screw heads are cool.”. This could have been fixed with a carbide drill bit and some self-tapping screws.