all liberals aren’t leftists, but all leftists…
or are you saying that a consevative agenda is leftist?
all liberals aren’t leftists, but all leftists…
or are you saying that a consevative agenda is leftist?
When we grow enough as a nation to unilaterally fail welcome her back after her tour to find a house on soon to be annexed land I think my feeling of dread will ease.
This is not a place of honor. Nothing of value is here.
and depending on where you fall on the color chart, potentially sunny Guantanamo Bay.
Small text on the bottom of purchase agreement: ~This vehicle is not meant to be used as transportation in an external environment, any use outside of a garage or small enclosed campus is outside of the scope of this vehicle’s design and should be avoided.~
I think the current power dynamic in the whitehouse may make the opposite more likely.
I run everything on steam with proton that I did on my windows PC, nothing was left behind. If you ‘add a game’ from outside steam, you can run the installer and then change the game location to the executable. Ubuntu or Ubuntu mate are what I install on everything. Recommend.
When I responded I had read liberal as progressive and responded accordingly, I’m not certain what happened in my brain but my response makes no sense reading it now. Sorry about that.