“Ukraine’s intelligence service says it thwarted a Russian plot to blackmail a local teenage girl into blowing up a police building by threatening to make public intimate pictures on her phone.”
See the proper way to respond to sexually explicit blackmail is a few simple words.
“Thanks for the free advertising!”
On a more serious note, theres never a good reason to comply with blackmail. for example if she did do what they asked. It would have been a hell of a lot more trouble she would be in and also it would unethical as shit.
What scummy people will do theese days sheesh. Stay safe out there!
This is why we need to end slut shaming. You can’t blackmail if there’s no shame.
I have a friend who works as a civilian in Defense. Everyone has to acquire and maintain the highest level of security clearance to keep their jobs, and travel to certain overseas countries is verboten because of the risk of foreign intelligence “honeypots”.
Apparently, a senior engineer took a holiday to China 3 months before retirement and didn’t even take the most basic precautions such as keeping quiet about his job and security clearance, so of course he got honey-potted.
He reported it when he got home and his security clearance was pulled, “No big deal, I’m retiring”.
The Chinese said they’d tell his employer what happened, “Go ahead, I already did”, and his wife, “I’m not married”. 😂
You know what’s awesome? Your friend is literally held to a higher standard than our President and the people he surrounds himself with.
Having no shame is actually a perfect tool against blackmail. Take for example the former Indonesian president Sukarno. Sukarno was delighted when the KGB told him they had a tape of him having an orgy with Russian flight attendants and asked if he could have some copies. The CIA also tried and failed to blackmail him with (fabricated) sex tapes.
Hopefully AI will change this. In the future, when anyone claims to have such pictures you can just say it’s AI-generated nonsense 🤷
The world will have to go back to actually verifying claims.
We also need to teach our children about porn, damnit! Even if someone posts a thousand naked pictures of you to the Internet it will be lost in the sea of naked pictures. Very few will care or notice and no, future employers won’t go looking and even if they hear about it why TF would they even care? You can still do the job.
Anyone who does care that naked pictures exist is obviously lacking moral character and probably needs to re-think what’s important in life.
People already say the same about Photoshop and people already don’t believe them.
Now that is fucked up.
That’s Russia!
it’s also pretty typical russian behavior
I’m not sure saying its typical of Russians is helpful. I know two Russian people and neither of them are blackmailing kids into performing terroristic acts.
I’m not defending Russia’s government nor the attitudes of many of the country’s civilians. I also have my own biases and prejudices that I’ve been working most of my life to extinguish.
I just don’t think it’s helpful to go on the internet and write “typical X, X’s are all the same” in essentially any situation.
The GP didn’t say this to make anybody feel better. I dunno why you yould assume this is the intent. This is just how russians operate. It is the truth.
i don’t mean it’s typical of russian people, i mean it’s typical of the russian apparatus; of russia itself
yeah thats totally fair, cause it doesn’t surprise me at all either