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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2023

  • I appreciate the sentiment, but I don’t even know if I have a soul. I’ll probably find out in the next thirty years.

    I worry about the capacity for the religious to engage in active critical thinking, something that is necessary for a thriving, functional society but needs to be -at least temporarily- suspended to be religious, but I’m generally not going to debate theists over that point because it’s disrespectful of their beliefs. It’s also completely fruitless and frustrating to engage in debates with someone whose arguments aren’t grounded in observable, testable phenomena. They’ll always “win” because they can make up whatever they want.

    Anyhow, we largely leave you alone, please leave us alone too. We’d appreciate it. With that being said, you have my encouragement to go hard, Galilee guns blazing, on any atheists who give you shit for being a theist.

  • I hate to break it to you, but the ongoing Palestinian genocide puts the Israelis on par with Nazis. Feel free to pretend otherwise, but they both were/are a group justifying killing another group based on their religion/ethnicity with the underlying true purpose of taking their land and possessions while consolidating political power.

  • Aleric@lemmy.worldtoFunny@sh.itjust.worksHmmm
    4 months ago

    Think about if we switched the girl with Mitch McConnell and the painting with one of him as a turtle head emerging from Donald Trump’s prolapsed anus. What would the title be? “Bitch McConnell”? “Fuck this guy”? “Am I turtley enough for you now, Donnie”? Most of us would be okay with that. I’d be okay with it because Mitch McConnell intentionally and publicly hurts people for his personal gain. But my point is the title refers to the content.

    Posts like these, where it’s mean spirited humor that comes at the expense of an anonymous person or groups of people, often have titles that avoid referring to the content and even more rarely refer to the “joke”. Is it because they know even referring to it shows you know you’re being an asshole? Does actually owning it make more people uncomfortable?

    “Fat girl Jabba Pizza Hutt lool”

    “Photoshop: Painter mocks sad little girl for being overweight”

    See. It makes you look like an asshole, because it’s an asshole post.

    At least mock yourself too: “childhood lead exposure leads to significantly reduced intelligence and a diminished capacity for empathy”

  • Jews dna is unique and dates back 2000 yrs ago when we were living in Israel.

    Do you realize this is typical of any closely related ethnic group? I have unique sequences in my DNA that link me back to my father’s ethnic group as they came from a fairly small island. My wife, on the other hand, lacks many distinguishing markers as her ancestors lived in an area where people frequently bred with people from other regions.

    Only the Ashkenazi can be grouped with any surety. Otherwise, Jewish heritage is amongst the harder ethnic groups to genetically differentiate, specifically due to a scarcity of unique markers. That’s neither a good nor a bad thing, it’s just pretty typical. If you think your statement suggests exceptionality in any way, it just shows you don’t know what you’re talking about.