• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • I’m not sure how I feel about it, but I heard the argument made that AI maybe would be better for killing. People mess up all the time and misidentify threats which causes collateral damage in conflicts often. AI in theory could be much better at this identification process.

    It’s kind of the same argument with self driving cars: we freak out whenever they get in an accident, but people causing thousands of accidents a day doesn’t cause an outage.

    Not saying I necessarily agree with either argument, but they do make me question how we think about and evaluate technology.

  • Traffic enforcement and red light cameras. I used to be very opposed to them, but I’ve since come to appreciate the absurdity of America’s car central culture.

    Additionally, traffic stops by police disproportionately effect minorities and lead to escalations and other issues, while taking away enforcement capacity from more important things.

    I still don’t think the cameras should necessarily be run by private, for profit entities. Nor would I really want cameras that ticket you if you go 1 mph over. But in general I’m much less opposed to the idea than I used to be.