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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023


  • I don’t really have a title, but I work in a factory.

    Go to college kids. Fuck the expense, you still get many more opportunities that a factory scumbag like myself does not. If you don’t know what you want or what you’re capable of, who cares. Go anyway for anything and you’ll meet people who you can network with and you’ll be exposed to classes and topics you might not ever have considered. I’m the only scumbag failure in my friend group who didn’t go to college and I’m the only loser working in a literal sweat shop while they all work from home with very nice salaries and wives/husbands they met at college. I’m still single.

    Go to college.

  • It’s almost as if we need to be brainwashed in school to believe America is always The Greatest Country Ever™ because in reality we’re one of the worst.

    I don’t mean worst monetarily, or by virtue of our graduates skill. I mean worst in how its people are treated, in how we treat the world at large, and how the only thing that Americas so-called leaders really aim for is to be a giant sweatshop.

  • We do need to give up comforts in that we’ll face jail time, we’ll lose our current housing, we’ll have to greatly decrease our standard of living, etc… if we’re to truly bring the revolution the comic is alluding to it’s going to hurt a lot.

    As another comment put it “we’re just whinging” and those in power know it.

    I don’t like it any more than the next good person, but all throughout history the only thing that brings true change is bloodshed. “We” as workers/non-owners have literally never in history had necessary changes happen that take money/power from the owning class without bloodshed.

    THEY make it so. When you remove the power from the ballot box the ammo box is the only place left to go.

  • Well the one thing that would make this picture an absolutely perfect representation of America is if there was a TV in the background saying “American People, the American People want to take your money and give it to American People! American People are trying to destroy America! Only we can save America!”

    Fucking propagandists are the cause of this whole picture and I fucking hate them with a passion.

  • We’re also in a society now where 2 people or 2+jobs are REQUIRED for a “normal life” unless you’re a tech or finance bro. People just don’t have the energy or time to cook, fast food is often “on the way home” and saves well over an hour and effort.

    I’m “lucky” that I’m single, in that I can cook a weeks worth of food in one day and there’s no one to complain about “this again?” In literally every other respect being single in this society for over a decade sucks.