• 46 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • many engineers do not know how to effectively communicate with management when something will result in terribly written software and just do it anyway.

    I imagine this is partly a result of bad and misinformed managers too though. There’s a lot out there who have 0 clue wtf you do, just that you make computer do thing yet still act like they know your job better than you


    Not a programmer, but I see this all the time in other fields. And all it takes is someone in upper management only being focused on time or costs, or someone in middle management acting like they know better than everyone else.

  • Is Lemmy growing or shrinking?

    It looks like Lemmy has shrunk overall since our peak of 68k active users in July last year to our low point (since rexxit anyways) of 32k, but we seem to be attracting more MAUs now and have climbed back up to 51k.

    I’m not entirely sure what you mean by diversity, or at least what measure of it you’re seeking, but if you mean instances, there’s currently ~770 instances online, a bit over half of our peak in July. I’m not aware of any major instances that have closed down yet though, so I assume it’s mainly small, single user instances that have shit down, as well as a few hyper niche ones with very few members.

    Average users per instance has also been increasing and is getting close to the levels we were at in june when everybody was joining the same few instances. That peak was 690 users per instance, that dropped to a low of 321 in July, presumably because there was more of an emphasis on getting people spread out after initial influx of people who just needed to go somewhere.

    There was something interesting I noticed in the stats, in Feb there was a major drop in total posts of almost 5 million. I don’t know what exactly happened, but our total posts halved, so perhaps that’s why nobody’s been posting updates.

    It’s even more obvious on the 120 day graph

    Overall, it appears we have shrunk compared to our peak during rexxit, but we have been steadily increasing in both active users and posts (excluding the major drop in Feb) since our low point a couple of months after rexxit. That’s about what I’d expect, and quite good compared to most popular corpo sites which lose a lot more percentage of their MAUs after they’ve peaked. Threads lost something like 80% of their userbase a week after it launched. Also I don’t think that peak during rexxit will be our biggest peak. We’ll probably continue steadily gaining users until Reddit fuck up again and we get another influx, like what happened with mastodon.

    FYI all these stats are fairly easy to find. I like FediDB because it’s got a more friendly UI, but Fediverse Observer has a more plain UI, so is better for posting graphs and such. But that’s the beauty of the fediverse, we can all access the same things through all sorts of UIs

  • It is indeed. I’ve got no clue what it’s like here, but I know in the old community on the red alien site, just about everything on uplifting news was something like “7 Year old boy sells 75,000 glasses of lemonade to pay for sick mums cancer treatment”. Something that seems uplifting for the first 3 seconds then just becomes extremely depressing the more you think about it.

    The news article was posted in ABoringDystopia and someone made a joke about how it should be cross posted to here, and I guess OP took it seriously

  • Eh, I agree with you on most of that except the high minimum wage bit.

    The minimum wage for anybody 15 or under is 40% of the wage for anybody over 21. I believe that not all industries do have that provision in their award, but all entry level jobs do. I guess it’s a bit of a miracle that it doesn’t keep going down further than 15, because if it did, maccas would probably be run by 11 year olds making 10% of the 21+ wage.

    But even besides that, our minimum wage isn’t really high compared to the cost of living, which is the metric that really matters. Our minimum wage compared to elsewheres cost of living is not a good comparison

  • With instance I know, you don’t give a commercial licence to re-use your content like you do on reddit. For example, Lemmy.world team cannot sell your comments to train an AI

    It’s worth noting that although nobody has a licence to steal your content, this is the internet, and the nature of the fediverse makes it easy to siphon if somebody really wanted to.

    Sure, that’s a violation of your copyright and completely disrespectful to you as a person, but do you or your instance have the resources to take action against whatever multi-billion dollar company decided to copy everything you’ve ever done?