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Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • That’s a part of it. Another part is that it looks for patterns that it can apply in other places, which is how it ends up hallucinating functions that don’t exist and things like that.

    Like it can see that English has the verbs add, sort, and climb. And it will see a bunch of code that has functions like add(x, y) and sort( list ) and might conclude that there must also be a climb( thing ) function because that follows the pattern of functions being verb( objects ). It didn’t know what code is or even verbs for that matter. It could generate text explaining them because such explanations are definitely part of its training, but it understands it in the same way a dictionary understands words or an encyclopedia understands the concepts contained within.

  • And if they didn’t develop the culture of sweeping safety issues under the rug at all levels, they won’t have much trouble keeping ahead because I’m sure that even at the height of Boeing’s safety ignoring, I bet most of the communication still looked like they took safety seriously. Just those in the know realized that they could make themselves look better by faking it and their management wouldn’t care. I’ve gotta assume that some number of them will think the current safety culture overhaul is really trying to send a message of “just be smarter about ignoring safety, don’t let it get to the point where doors fall off mid-flight and we need to kill some whistleblowers”.

  • I read about a military AI that would put its objectives before anything else (like casualties) and do things like select nuclear strikes for all missions that involved destruction of targets. So they adjusted it to allow a human operator to veto strategies, in the simulation this was done via a communications tower. The AI apparently figured out that it could pick the strategy it wanted without veto if it just destroyed the communications tower before it made that selection.

    Though take it with a grain of salt because the military denied the story was accurate. Which could mean it wasn’t true or it could mean they didn’t want the public to believe it was true. Though it does sound a bit too human-like for it to pass my sniff test (an AI wouldn’t really care that its strategies get vetoed), but it’s an amusing anecdote.

  • I dunno, I think he might have figured out how to bottle lightning because he had another show after The Room that was the same kind of “so bad it’s good” as The Room was. He’d have to be pretty delusional to think he was making high art after the way The Room was received, so to realize what people liked about his art (assuming he didn’t know that in the first place) and not immediately just churning out garbage instead tells me he does have talent. Entertainingly bad is a hard line to deliberately walk.

    Plus there’s no evidence he was born into money. Maybe a bunch fell out of a plane with him.

  • We should do a workshop for that, it sounds like my kind of week.

    How does mid 2031 sound? You’re probably busy then. Yeah, I’m just going to assume you’re busy that mid-year and hope someone else reschedules and runs the workshop with a bunch of other people that aren’t me and that they figure out a great week so that I can one day read about sloth week having just passed and briefly consider trying to catch it next year because it sounds like my kind of week (assuming I can just passively experience it).

  • Remember the nipple that ruined a household name celebrity’s career? Despite the cover being removed having more to do with the actions of another celebrity whose career wasn’t ruined rather than her, adding a layer of misogyny to what was already puritan stupidity?

    Even if kids saw it, so what? I can’t see any harm resulting from telling a child of any age that women have breasts for feeding babies, that it is done through the nipple, and that women without babies still have breasts and nipples because the body prepares for maybe having a baby later. And men have nipples because that part of the body doesn’t get different until puberty. And that it can be rude to ask or talk to someone about theirs, and it is very rude (and illegal) to touch them without permission.

  • It’s interesting that you end a post about how important it is to make yourself be heard with a note that you don’t care to hear opposing viewpoints unless they are presented in a way you like.

    Regardless, the way I see it is at the end of the day, it’s all about how popular your position might be if more people were aware of it. If it’s unpopular, then others will cheer as the disrupting protest is violently cleared from the street. If it’s popular, then the violence used to clear it from the street might instead make the protest bigger when it’s met with outrage.

    Though it also depends on what you mean by “right”. I agree that anyone has the physical ability to disrupt daily life and that doing so doesn’t make them a bad person on its own (that judgement IMO is based more on the why than the what, though it also depends on how extreme the disruption is; ie a stronger disruption requires a stronger reason to justify it). I don’t agree with a right that anyone should be able to disrupt things for whatever thing is bugging them without any expectation that the state will just say, “it’s ok, do what you want because you’re unhappy”.

    The reason why I think protests should sometimes be stopped is because if you have a movement that supports something and another movement that opposes it, if both decide to disrupt things until they get their way, nothing will happen and there’s a chance it will eventually escalate to violence, either between the groups directly or from others who are neutral but tired of the disruptions.

    Also it’s good to be aware that disrupting things itself can generate opposition in those who might otherwise support or be neutral on the issue.

    But if you think your issue is a hill worth dying on, then IMO you should fight your fight. Be true to yourself. Just be aware that it might take a martyr for your movement to gain traction, or it might never get off the ground even with a martyr.