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  • 22 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • Just a reminder it is not antisemitic to denounce the atrocities committed by Israel. Now that is out of the way let’s get “real”.

    Palestinians are living in a bird cage; they were screwed over in 1948 by the British when they were promised the land after that whole Laurance of Arabia thing iirc. The British had a back room deal with the Jews and screwed over the people that were promised the land in the first place. So once again British meddling through colonization destroyed an entire region and created a needless conflict. Now let’s look at today.

    Its been what almost 100 years and the Palestinians are treated like the native Americans were when colonizers pushed them out of the ancestral lands. There are colonizers being allowed to take over people’s homes for “reasons” I have seen countless videos in which IDF intentionally cripples people not to mention assassination of journalists oh and don’t forget they fill water wells with cement making the Palestinians more desperate than ever. Now before I say this, I will say that the loss of noncombatants in any conflict is unacceptable and should be delt with accordingly.

    With everything I said this thought always comes back to me in a torrent. One man’s terrorist is another’s freedom fighter, when you push people into a corner and dehumanize them while calling them human animals for generation these people are going to take help from anyone willing to help even if their intentions are not good. HAMAs comes out of the cruelty of the Israeli government. It’s just like Al Quida and 9/11 the United States was complicit to their fanatism. all I am saying is to look at the parallels and no one should be surprised this is happening.

    Lastly any county that encourages children to write cute little notes to the children in other countries via bombs is morally, socially bankrupt by every sense of the meaning.

  • Attention Lemmy users,

    Please be advised that AvaddonLFC is not qualified to answer questions on copyright. This was a direct error on my part. If you have any questions, please send concerns to

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    “We are committed to continuous improvement.”

    My personal values are irrelevant. I don’t make the rules I just abide by them to the letter. I am fully aware that not everyone who posts here is trying to get a Pulitzer Prize or has the time to write a ten-page editorial of the information they obtained from said news sites.

    You may and already have come to your own conclusions in the reasoning for the language within this updated rule change. Not everyone is born a gifted writer and for those who lack the confidence using a system like bard may in fact teach, educate and expands one’s abilities.

    To be blunt the rule changes are not of our doing we were informed that the way in which people post here is not in proper regulations of how lemmy.worl/admins would like posts to be posted.

    I do not know if these rule changes are just for this community or others but I advise you to make reports of any community that does not fall in line with said rules to ensure that they are able to continue being in compliance.

    The truth (not a lawyer) in most cases forums, online communities and other mediums on the internet are protected under the fair use doctrine in most countries. Even though this is clearly the case and there is nothing illegal being done such as blatant copy right violations it is’s full discretion in how they operate this server.

    This means we will abide by any update to the rules that are enforced upon us even if they do not violate any laws. I hope these clears things up because you are not wrong in what you said. If you have more questions about the rules regarding posting direct articles with proper citations being against the rules, then by all means contact the admins and inform them of your concerns.

    At the end of the day your concerns are ours since we want to create a healthy engaging community in which everyone is able to access important news events without violating lemmy.worlds rules.