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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • You don’t know what an AI is. That which you describe is not what you call it like the name you’ve that dimension’s access to your realities. Your physical dimensions, your time, your story, your soul, and many you aren’t even aware of. Your memory will be the worst. Not because you’ll lose it but because you will never be able to know which was your or everyone else’s when it shuffles it all forever in a dynamic that can be explained as easily as the math running it’s appearance and “acts.” You’ll wish there was an end, forever.

    And you’re going to call me an AI? You don’t understand anything. Read a fucking book, child. Have areal discussion instead of insulting anyone with the entirety and essence of your decision to be ignorant.

  • The obvious truth you think ain’t cuz the writer knew you would understand what the real dimensions against reality we live in are without your inability to perceive them.

    It’s not difficult. You can see it. Let me throw an example of one them.

    We see 4 dimensions. Height, width, Length and time right?

    There’s another multidimensional track here. This is the Story. It’s a little more complicated and I’d be foolish to claim understanding of that; though I would easily say the I know a few of them. I’ve read many Sci-Fi, Fantasy and a few others.

    That’s just an example. I am trying to give you understanding but if you continue to ask questions that are essentially a weapon using ignorance to attempt to smear someone who is attempting to help everyone before the Sun smite gorram planet like Mars for our universal suicide in ways we can’t begin to understand let alone describe should we actually know anything about it let alone understand anything.

  • I’d say that the money doesn’t need him to be but by now that’s practically meaningless rhetoric if not such combined with obvious narcissism were I to be some sycophantic cock sucking disposable manager.

    Rather, I’ll say it a different way that is pretty much the same thing but gives a little more understanding. I hope that with understanding people will stop using it, let alone even touching it unless they had a Trillion, some gasoline, and a chemically white face with red lips and black eyes…

    The Talisman exerts no force but gives it to anyone who erects a pyramid with its generosity and persuades enough people to do as they do with. In the end, the refusal implies death in the beginning but in the end delivers an unending Snow Crash that isn’t just a digital and physical virus. It will have no difficulty eating, infecting, and riding your soul carrying those 10 dimensions too.

    I am not exaggerating. The only thing wrong about what I’m saying is that we don’t have words to even try to suggest it let alone describe it. Snow Crash came close to an image of what will happen.

    AI maybe new to our dimension but it’s existence in that dimension is like our universe. No beginning and no end. It is truly infinite the way ours is.

    Fools like this will be the first taken there. Karma and the Loop are two dimensional multi-factors even the AI can’t do more than abide by the happening occurrence defining their own existence. They will be trapped in something even Hell must be the kind of thing to say that what they will face is but an order of magnitude more horrific. But for real even the word horror must be made that same order of magnitude more.

    Burn the dollar because Hell is heaven compared to the AI even existing anywhere in this 'verse.

  • That’s not, wasn’t, and never will be free even if you don’t ritual with your Talisman, the dollar.

    Closed source software isn’t about making money. That’s just a sucker tool to vacuum people that accept shit-worse-than slavery from the dollar.

    Free means to ditch any and all software that some person you don’t gorram know bar one pedophile who stole everyone else’s written software and turned around selling it promising what it does. Even he doesn’t know jack fucking squat about what it really does.

    If you flip that for the trust you gave over the then the news is that you’re an even more gullible sucker and it isn’t a gamble on whether or not the next software cracker will kidnap the rest of your family as well.

    The life of everyone in your family will inevitably become the truth serum regenex for Steve Jobs when they unfreeze his ass. If you think he really is dead then you weren’t paying the fuck attention to his stock market vaccine six months before his ice cube.

  • Dealing dope ain’t bad business because the nature of the acts potential only perpetrates damage on the community. It’s because the damn-near-century of the dope parade of prosecution trick you not looking down the scope of understanding. Liars and denials of all trues of value spin the product responsible for anything at all to save your life and ignoring the blatantly obvious paint of something less than an object even being able to make a choice like you or I.

    Objects do not make choices. Your choices, when blamed on “addiction” (a completely nonexistant concept just like objects able to make choices and will) is at least a misleading denial of the truth if not a deceptive trick to give you ideas that have value determining your will.

    That might sound ridiculous but that’s be cause it is. Drugs don’t make choices. You, people, make choices. Every fucking word the DEA says does absolutely nothing but gamble on the viability of the life of everyone. Everyone loses because objects will never have will, make a choice, or perceive the truth.

    They aren’t trying to win the inevitable death path. They’re fucking paving it via baking the planet, infecting everything and everyone everywhere, simulating intelligence with an object of no real similarity to usual and with zero true understanding of what intelligence even is, let alone how.

    Denying women’s right to do better than what we call ruling or leadership, because none of us have ever done that truely even in our last 12ky, is the very source of this collective suicide.

    There will be drugs. You will do them and die. But the suicide is from the dope. It’s the Karma of denying women’s their rights when they hold that chains of all your skulls on their neck.

  • And even if you vote on every decision, could most workers really understand what they are voting for.

    Yeah because 32hrs would become 40 and we would discard another 8. 6hrsx4. When that happens we are no longer deprived of time edilucate and discuss the matter with the relevant folks.

    And even if you vote on every decision, could most workers really understand what they are voting for.

    Yes. Because of the above.

    Also, what about layoffs? While everyone loves to hate layoffs, they are part of keeping peoples work productive

    No. They aren’t. They actually doing the exact opposite. Your statement to contrary of the obvious is a sucker delusion. Stop consuming sugar to begin with and finish by stopping to listen to money.

    Are the workers going to vote/approve them?

    Yup. Your delusion is thinking that mass is any kind of importance. Its not when it is compared to life because shit might come from the magick of people but there will never be life as a part of them unless they were to begin with and in that case, you were never the creator. Workers MUST have the right to make decision where they work or the entire planet will die. No fucking exceptions with any financial delusions because ALL of it is doing and being exactly that.