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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • Duh doy! That’s the point of them! They let people know who’s experiences lead them to be over sensitive to things so they can choose whether or not they avoid media. And that’s a good thing! Trigger warnings hurt no one and if you can’t spare literally three seconds at the start of something to protect someone else’s peace, you’re selfish and probably not a good community member.

  • My parents were of the mindset : we are not your friends, we are your parents the whole time we were growing up. That’s not to say they didn’t have fun with us, we did every day, but they were a lot more concerned with raising us than they were with us liking them. It has been an absolute joy getting to know who they are as people as adults. Now they are among my best friends. I know so much of their preferences, likes, dislikes, dreams, regrets, their history and what makes them laugh.

    My husband’s dad was his “best friend” the whole time, while his mom had to play both parents. His dad has passed, and his relationship with his mom is strained. He doesn’t really know anything about either of them. He never knows what to get his mom as a gift, or their medical histories. They are strangers to him.

  • And I have literally never heard a girl in real life say she wouldn’t date a guy if he’s not above 6 ft. I see guys say it about women, but none of the women I know actually care about height. I have heard women say they’d prefer if their partner is taller than them, but even this is a preference, not a deal breaker. If you’ve actually heard the height thing from real women in your life, you just need to start hanging out with different women because that’s a shallow requirement.

  • I never understood this. In my dreams phones, tablets, and clocks all work. Like last night I pulled up a world map and zoomed in on Europe on a tablet, and not only did my brain fill in all the countries and even major cities (totally incorrectly as I’m in the US and not that familiar with European geography), but the website even had pop up ads that I needed to close out of to view the map without distractions. I could also Google where vikings originated and pull up a totally normal appearing Wikipedia page. Tech always works just fine in my dreams

  • Plus the idea that SSRIs work, period. They only work slightly better than placebo, and they count them as “working” as long as they help with a single symptom. So if they don’t help your depression at all, but they do help with your insomnia, they put that in the “it worked!” pile. That’s why suicide risk sometimes increases on SSRIs. They do nothing for your crippling depression except increase your motivation, so before you were depressed and couldn’t accomplish anything, and now you’re depressed, but also have the wherewithal to follow through on your suicide plan.