• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2023


  • “Day” and “year” have local equivalents for any orbiting, revolving body. We’d probably retain the second as the basic unit of time and maybe go to something like decimal time as a generic standard for communicating between places and for trade and business. That covers spans of time. For absolute time, we may be out of luck. Even assuming we could pick a standard object and point in time as anchors, relativity means that each frame of reference has clocks moving at their own speeds. So far as we know, there is no universal frame of reference.

    So even if we said “every revolution of the pulsar at coordinates blahblahblah is one galactic standard day and we define Year 0 as starting exactly 3237.95 standard days ago” we still wouldn’t have a universal time standard because people close to black holes will have seen fewer rotations of the pulsar, so they’d be living in the pasts of any planets in a faster frame of reference.

  • It’s sad but i stopped writing answers or comments on SO years ago. I used to have all these optimistic ideas about people working together to collectively grow our shared knowledge. I guess Wikipedia and the Internet Archive keep barely hanging in there, but if anything those cases prove my point: without one extremely strong personality to hold the corruption in check, all these collaborative “digital commons” projects are a leadership change away from completely selling out all the work put into them. That can be feeding everything into AI but it’s also monetization schemes and EULA changes to claim ownership of user submitted content and locking the public out of your site without accounts and subscriptions.

    And usually the public’s only recourse is to tear it all down and start again, waiting for the next con artist to come along and steal the village’s prosperity.