It’s astonishing! I get why dril or some celebrity would go with BlueSky, but journalists seem to be trying to make it a thing too! It’s like did you learn nothing?
/r/StarTrek founder and primary steward from 2008-2021
It’s astonishing! I get why dril or some celebrity would go with BlueSky, but journalists seem to be trying to make it a thing too! It’s like did you learn nothing?
Enshitification was coined by Cory Doctrow specifically for the tech space
You’re not wrong it was coined this way, but he has referred to the process in other arenas where monopolies exist:
But it’s not just tech that faces the curse of bigness: your bank, your insurer, your beer company, the companies that make your eyeglasses and your athletic shoes — they’ve all run out of lands to conquer, but instead of weeping, they’re taking it out on you, with worse products that cost more.
Enshittification follows monopoly as sure as night follows day.
Annoying for sure, but “Enshittification” refers to a specific method in which platforms flex monopoly power to squeeze not just users, but business customers too. It does not just mean “things getting shittier”
And before anyone goes “language loses meaning over time” consider that if you change the meaning of “enshittification” then you need to also invent a new word to mean what “enshittification” used to mean.
Arguably the best ones. Because you know their moderation is on lock.
[citation needed]
Lol you’re not wrong…
what app is that?
Pretty sure the solid colors are for people who need to shine a specific color of light, and there’s no simpler way to quickly do that. You either download a new app, or google image search and try to find something you can zoom in with.
The sound effects one I have no idea, haha
Debian with CasaOS!
Hah, I consider non-algorithmic sorting to be RSS’ killer feature. There are a lot of fantastic stories that get published every week that are too dry, too complex, or just plan too accurate and non-sensationalized to get noticed by social media algorithms.
The only thing that’s going to stop enshitification is to stop depending on that model for the platforms we want.
Did I misunderstand your comment because “stop depending on that model for the platforms we want” reads like exactly what Mr Doctorow is proposing?
No human-led system can fully protect against complacency.
“Vigilance Mr. Worf. That is the price we have to continually pay.”
- Captain Picard explaining to Lt. Worf how to prevent things from getting shitty.
I agree, especially with the prices of graphics card being what they are. The 8700G can also fit in a significantly smaller case.
Ah I see, thanks (also boo)
Some instances seem to still be working fine. Can someone ELI25?
I can’t believe there aren’t any start-ups out there trying to “disrupt” the printer market.
Exactly. Few people are willing to deal with the adhesive used in Macs and smartphones. Even fewer will deal with solder.
+1 for Debian, also CasaOS is like a single-command setup for docker and other features with a nice GUI.