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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: November 9th, 2021

  • The scenario I described is World War 3.

    That what Bibi, and Biden with his unwavering support, are playing with.

    then you’re sorely mistaken about how truly insane US defense spending is.

    NevermindNoMind already made this point to you but it bears repeating, Money spent doesn’t translate into combat effectiveness. In fact, it tends to actually go against it. EDIT: Or, more specifically, money spent on individual weapon systems. The best weapon is the cheap one that can be mass produced, even if there are better weapon systems.

    Ansarallah has been clear that part of their missile strategy is to eat into our budgets. They’ve been winning by that strategy. The total cost of their drones/missiles used against the US was in the several hundred thousand range, and the estimate for the missile defense ammo the US has used is around a billion dollars, and that was several months ago. Even the US can’t compete with that cost disparity.

    Secondly, it doesn’t matter how many ships you have if you can’t resupply them with ammo. America outsourced its production capabilities. It didn’t outsource its weapon production facilities, but we can’t convert the facilities we don’t have any more to support increased ammo production, and we don’t have enough weapons factories to supply the requisite ammo for continued operations in a modern war.

    Third, your usage of “just planes and helicopters” is stupid beyond description. I am not willing to agree with you that the US will have air superiority in all theaters, which sadly is what its military doctrine both requires and assumes. (Which, by the by, is why the NATO trained Ukrainians did so poorly with their spring offensive. It’s not their fault they couldn’t use tactics that assume air superiority that they didn’t have, but jesus the NATO people switched to racism right quick to explain the failure.) However, other countries doctrine assumes that air superiority won’t be theirs.

    Iran, for example, assumes they won’t have air superiority from the start and so they spent most of their engineering time on missile technology. The Russians have tried to compete with their aircraft, but focused mainly on their G2A anti-air defenses. Now, even with Syria and Ukraine, there still isn’t a lot of info on the effectiveness of the S400 in against the American Airforce.

    It also doesn’t account for the huge disparity in drone deployment capability which is frankly the future of the next war. And the US fails at this completely. The two main US drones cost 30 and 40 million a piece when the name of the game here is CHEAP. Frankly, Iran and now Russia beat our pants off on this topic. Even Hezbollah and Ansarallah have confirmed US drone kills. This is the scariest part. Culturally in the American military right now, being involved with drones was not seen as a career advancer, and definitely not something you’d want to put money into serious research.

    This is more than I meant to write in response to a comment that basically amounts to a middle-schooler pounding their chest while screaming “My daddy can beat up your daddy” so I’m going to end it here.

    If you think money translates to military readiness and sound doctrine, then you’re not thinking about this very hard at all.

  • The situation is not static at all.

    Hezbollah has significantly improved upon their capabilities during that time period. Also, as a corollary to this, weapons technology in general has significantly advanced in a form that brings various capabilities to state actors that didn’t use to have the tech or financial base to support them.

    Guidance systems, avionics, electronics, and drones are changing the face of warfare in a way that removes a lot of the tech advantages rich nations had over poorer nations. But, the richer nations (And this isn’t just about Israel, but most of the western states) are sticking their heads in their sand because their weapons manufactures are used to being used more for laundering tax payer money to the right people then for making great weapons. The main drones for the US cost between 30-40 million EACH!

    Furthermore, Israel is going through all of the copium that settler colonialist societies go through when their martial superiority is starting to come into question. They clutch harder to their beliefs that make them feel secure. Israel withdrew in 2006 and declared themselves victors when it was obvious that they were not victors at all. Now, that is all that Israel remembers about 2006. That they won. That is what they truly believe.

    There are a lot of delusions that are about to break here. That is why I say that if they try with Hezbollah, that it will be a ‘Find Out’ stage.

    EDIT: Also, people tend to use the wrong measurement for what they consider to make an army strong. One of the most important factors is a willingness for a military to take causalities. There are very few armies stronger than Hezbollah by this measurement, whereas Israel has been very weak on this front since the early 2000’s. Having a conscript army will do that.

  • I called you a genocide lover for this comment

    So much for the we support Gaza lies.

    And this comment

    Go protest Hamas and tell me how far that gets you

    And some comments insulting Aaron Bushnell’s sacrifice that have since been removed by a mod.

    Also, you didn’t post that link, you just commented on it with that bullshit above, but it doesn’t seem like accuracy is too important to you.

    I’m also happy to be called an asshole by you. I’ve seen what you like.

    I still haven’t seen independent confirmation of the cable cutting from a non Israeli source, nor have I seen indications of a cut line on any of the looking glass servers I’ve checked. This bit is important, because we should be able to independently see the results of a cut sea cable.

    Like, if jpost said the moon exploded, you should be able to go outside and see it the moon exploded yourself.


    Or how about this comment:

    Nope. Wrong continent for that. Now if he was on active duty in the IDF you would have an argument.

    in response to:

    I truly beleive that this falls under sacrificing yourself to save lives

    About Aaron Bushnell.

    I called you a genocide lover because you are actively cheerleading genocide, and doing so in threads about a person that self-immolated in protest of the active, intentional genocide Israel is committing.

  • Finally, I will say something that should terrify you.

    Israel has zero strategic depth. Anyone invades, and it is very quickly over. Again, nothing to do with religion or ethnicity, just geography. Israel is just too small to have strategic depth.

    One major shield that Israel had (other than the nukes) was a myth of martial superiority and invincibility. However, for obvious reasons, Israels main strength lies in its armor, and its air force.

    But technology always is changing how useful certain weapons are. And technology for the weapons that destroy armor and air superiority has gotten insanely cheap. Raspberry Pi’s should rightly be terrifying to any nation that relies on armor and planes. Avionics has always been the difficult part for air defense.

    Armor is a little bit different. The design of the weapons that can penetrate armor, and defeat things like reactive armor, or the imbecilic trophy system Israel uses (seriously, I still shake my head at Israel entering dense urban areas with tanks that use an interception system that literally makes screening infantry impossible. Like, what the actual fuck?!) is the expensive part. Once the design is completed for things like two stage rockets, or shaped charges, or explosively formed projectiles, then the actual production is cheap to produce. But designs are easy to transmit, and can be done anywhere by anyone.

    The tech has gotten so cheap that even second rate military powers can buy or create weapons that can counter first rate military powers advantages for literally a millionth of the price.

    And Israels siege and assault on the Gaza Strip has shown how fucking incompetent and undisciplined Israels infantry is. The majority of the casualties of Gazan civilians are from bombs, artillery, and soon now, starvation. Not the infantry. Their performance has been … pathetic. Only good for slaughtering the unarmed.

    The myth of Israeli martial prowess has been broken, probably forever.

    A smarter nation would start trying its damned best at making peace with its neighbors through mutual respect now, and not intimidation like it has.

    Call it self defense, because it would be.

    P.S. all of what I said above applies to the US, too. The next hundred years or so is going to be a bad time to be an empire. Well, it all applies except for the trophy system. That is a unique form of Israeli stupidity. But the US has it’s own unique stupidity in the F35, and the littoral ships it designed.

  • No one is asking you to lay down and die. Good job trying to invoke victim status to again justify genocide.

    Also, good job trying to antisemitically equate Judaism with the genocidal actions of the Israeli government. JVP does NOT want to hold your blood stained hands.

    Here, try something out, if you actually want to understand, which I don’t think you do, but on the off chance.

    Imagine you see a nation trying to commit genocide against its minority population of Jewish people that it has kept mostly locked up in a bantustan for the last 17 years. Imagine a citizen of that country who, presumably, isn’t actively participating in the slaughter of Jewish people starts trying to garner sympathy for the slaughter, and justify why the slaughter is okay.

    Imagine how you’d want to react to that person.

    I’m not Arab, just someone who firmly believes in Never Again. I will treat any worthless genocide justifying fuck the same way, as I’m treating you. I have the same disgust and disdain for the Azerbaijani justifying the ethnic cleansing of the Nagorno-Karbagh region. The same Azeris who got a fuck ton of weapons from Israel, by the by. Funny how Israel sides with and provides weapons to the wrong side in history.

    I would hope that you would treat people you legitimately believe are committing genocide the same way, but from your words it is obvious that ‘Never Again’ meant nothing to you, so I suspect you wouldn’t.

    Also, good job trying to imply protestors against genocide are antisemitic. I don’t give a fuck about your religion, or your ethnicity. I care about your disgusting actions and words.

  • Holy shit, you’re actually delusional with this comment.

    Or, more likely, being way over paid for the shittiest propaganda I’ve ever seen.

    No one believes your lies about this.

    No one.

    Not even the people sympathetic to Israel will buy this ‘there’s no blockade, they can leave whenever they want’ intestinal gas belching from some orifice that would actually be used for conveying information in a person not paid to lie.

  • That’s because that is what you are, a fucking sick fuck genocidal, child murder justifying monster.

    Why would Egypt open up their borders? Why would the Palestinians need refuge? Is some natural disaster happening to starve them to death? Some act of God? Are they just dying for some unknown reason?

    You do know that Israel has effective control of the Raffa crossing, right? You know, the place all the blood thirsty fucks are holding a rave to block the aid trucks from going through while the Palestinians literally eat grass. The ones that haven’t starved to death, that is, because we’ve seen the first deaths from starvation hit this week.

    Congrats, everyone in the world is going to start treating you like your dearly departed best friends, apartheid South Africa. Remember when everyone else was boycotting them but Israel? When Israel was still selling them weapons to use against their oppressed African population? I wonder how long it will be before we get music videos like this about Israel:


    You should have heard about the property developers. Haaretz broke the story.

    The Gaza strip needed 2000 trucks a day to survive since Israel has implemented a complete blockade of the Gaza strip for 17 years. An aid truck or two doesn’t need to hoarded by Hamas to do anything. What’s the math on how many of the 2 million Hazan’s that can be fed from a truck or two? How big do you envision these trucks are?

    But, I wouldn’t expect rational thought from a syphilitic fuck that espouses the same argument that Neo-Nazis use to justify their Holocaust denial. That whole ‘population increased’ pus oozing from your pustulant lips? Yeah, that’s from Holocaust deniers. Do you think the population has increased in Gaza since Israel cut off the food and water and started indiscriminately bombing civilian infrastructure and tent camps in Gaza? Do you actually believe that? If so, I’ve got some land to sell you, and I totally own it legally, totally. You might want to send some ‘settlers’ there with some military backup to murder the people currently living there first, though.

  • Fine, Tell me what genocide looks like. Tell me the methods that are different.

    Tell me what conditions justify a government withholding food, medicine and portable water to a population it considers undesirable.

    Tell me.

    Justify your morally condescending “Oh dear”. Make it actually look like a reasonable response to the very simple definition of genocide that is occurring right now, being imposed by Israel on a population that official members of the Israeli government have expressed as undesirable, whom are living on a strip of land that already has Israeli developers planning beach front property for.

    Make it look like something different than genocide justifying nationalism.