(iOS | Web | Unity3D) Developer

the more you get, the less you are.

  • 23 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I spent all day trying to reproduce this issue without any luck. However I was finally able to track down where the mismatched data is being applied, and prevent it from happening, I’ll need to do a little more digging to find the root issue and properly fix it.

    I might have time to finish this up tomorrow morning, if not I’ll definitely have a patch released sometime on Friday. Thank you for bringing this to my attention, it’s probably been hiding there in plain sight for a while now without being noticed.

  • This is actually an issue I was aware of. Unfortunately textview on iOS does not have any native support for tables like the MacOS counterpart does. For tables in Arctic, I rolled my own using tab breaks for the layout, and some custom drawing for the background. This solution does not allow word wrapping within columns in the table, nor does text alignment work correctly when using tabs.

    In the end, what I’ll end up doing for this, is embedding a custom view within the text view for rendering tables. This will come later as I plan to include this in a larger text rendering update that will allow for in-line media rendering, link previews and improved code and block quotes etc.

    This would be a relatively trivial task using SwiftUI, but in UIKit, it’s going to take me some time to develop a custom solution.

  • I started adding support for this yesterday, any time a post is opened, or when you interact with an open post (vote, save, comment, etc) it will update the post feed with that information. This has been a long standing issue I’ve intended on fixing for a while.

    As for the YouTube previews, I really need this marked as an experimental feature. It uses a third party library that utilizes undocumented decryption to attempt loading the video, it doesn’t work at any for age protected videos, and it seems to be really spotty as to when it will actually work. YouTube intentionally try’s to block these types of libraries. I’ll see if I can’t come up with an alternative for this.

  • This is a peculiar one that I have not seen before. Had you noticed this at all before the latest beta release? I cannot think of anything that changed in that build that would have affected this.

    I see some odd issues here where the post you clicked is showing mixed data. The post content and community name is that of the c/technology post, but then the community icon is for c/tenforward.

    I see the post was created by a mbin user, perhaps it is due to a federation issue, or maybe the mbin api has changed and I need to update support.

    Next time you encounter this, would you mind checking some of these details such a as post creator instance, post content all matches, etc.

    I’ll start looking into this, thank you for informing me!

  • I believe this is a side affect of the media loading optimization I had mentioned in one of your previous posts about background refresh. It could also be that the image failed to load during the first request, and succeeded the second time when opening the post. I’d assume if you scrolled that post off screen and scrolled back, it would show the image.

    I have a few ideas for how to fix this, as I have seen it happen a few times. I’m hesitant to add support for retrying network requests for loading media, as it can impact performance. I may try it out though and see how it holds up. If not, I think I’ll add a message to the image view explaining that the media failed to load, with a button to retry, or open in the browser.

  • Looking at this, it appears the comment you linked includes a community link, not a crosspost link. Tapping the link seems to open the the correct community to the post feed. I see the community looks quite new, perhaps you were the first one on your instance to interact with that community, which could mean there was just a delay in federating the rest of the posts in that community. Is it possible you opened that link expecting it to open a single crosspost, and instead it opened to a community with only one post showing, thus mistaking it for an open post the views are quite similar in appearance)?

    If not, I may need some clarification on this issue, perhaps I misunderstood.

  • This isn’t so much to do with sorting and inserting posts above the current position, the posts are already loaded and displayed in order. The issue is due to loading previews (links, videos, images, etc). If the preview is not loaded in time for the cell to render it when it’s first displayed, then the cell is updated to adjust for the preview content. Usually this is not an issue because this typically happens off screen, or below the scroll position so the scroll position won’t jump.

    This definitely oversimplifies the behavior, as there are a lot of performance tweaks that happen behind the scene to attempt a guarantee that the cell will be sized properly, even if the content is not fully loaded in time, etc.

    Anyway, occasionally the previews will not load in time to properly size the cell while it is below the focal point of the screen, and it causes the onscreen content to jump down. I’m still working on a proper fix for this, as it is, I already prevent resizing cells if it is not yet visible, or already scrolled off screen.

    I’ll see if I can’t come up with something to improve this soon.

  • You can continue posting here, I also have a GitHub issue tracker setup, but I prefer posts here as it is easier to get additional feedback from the community.

    I thin I have all of this working now:

    A single tap while zoomed in will reset the zoom allowing for dismissal.

    I added a setting for hiding the buttons by default Settings -> Media -> Media Previews -> Buttons Hidden By Default

    I added a new one handed zoom gesture so you can tap and drag with one finger to interactively zoom

    I should hopefully have this next update out tonight sometime.

  • It’s my pleasure, I’m glad you’re enjoying enjoying it!

    Favorite communities: Will there be a possibility to have a list of your favorite communities before the list of all subscribed communities starts?

    Yes, this was finally added in yesterday’s update. If you have any feedback about the implementation, please let me know.

    Theme implementation / individualisation: are you planning to let the user choose between more Color schemes or even to individualise them completely? Some grey texts are hard to read while in light mode.

    This is something that I have been planning to add for a while now. I’ve unfortunately been far too busy working on other features to start working on this yet. I do intend on adding support for themes instead of just tint color options. I’m also planning to add a theme editor, so users can create and share their own themes. This is going to take some time though. I didn’t plan for this early enough, and so I’ll have hundreds of views to update with support for these features.

    I have a couple of high priority features/fixes that I need to address first, but I should be able to start on this soon.

  • I am aware of this issue, I just can’t for the life of me see what the issue is. It’s not an issue with Arctic itself, but rather the notification server. I will look into this for the next update. I’ve been so busy with Arctic lately, I haven’t had much time to work on the server. I have some other updates I need to make on the server so I’ll see if I can’t find the root of this issue while I am at it.

    The badge will correct itself, but it takes a few minutes for it to update.

  • Unfortunately this log does not help. The intention of this log message was for debugging issues like, however it looks like the system automatically redacts any useful information from it. I’ll update it to manually log the useful bits.

    With that said there should be 1 or 2 log messages immediately after that message that mention handleUrl() that may be useful in determining if the post url was found, and if it is correctly formatted. I looked at this for quite a while and could not find what may be causing this issue to only happen for watcher notifications and not other notifications. I’m still looking though.

  • Sorry for the late response, I had overlooked your post.

    Thank you so much, I’m really glad you’re enjoying Arctic! I have looked into adding subscription options, and as far as I can tell, Apple does not allow subscriptions without offering subscription based content or features. This goes against Arctic’s pay if you want modal, so currently I do not plan to add subscriptions. I am planning to reach out to AppStore support and see if I’ve overlooking something in the guidelines that allows subscription based tips.

    If not, I do offer one time in-app purchases in Arctic’s settings that allow for leaving a tip.