• 2 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 10th, 2024


  • Exactly. Another awesome thing the extension provides is the ability to migrate all your YouTube subscriptions over to Odysee. You also have two options with the Watch on Odysee extension. You can 1: Make YouTube links immediately redirect to Odysee (default option), or 2: Have a “Watch on Odysee” button appear to the left of the subscribe button on every YouTube video that also exists on Odysee (Example screenshot). Choosing the latter option means you don’t need to disable the extension every time you want to comment on a YouTube video.

    Another thing people keep doing is acting like Odysee is a free speech absolutist platform, in that they allow you to say and post absolutely anything. This is not true, because they have community guidelines which do not allow hate speech and promotion of violence (two examples). It’s just less strict and more fair in it’s moderation practices than YouTube.

    Some Links: Firefox extension (can’t find it for Chrome, for some reason); Community Guidelines

  • Thanks for recommending the playlist to me. I watched the first segment of the Tears of the Kingdom video and I can relate so much to the feelings he was referring to. I can relate further, because when I played Tears of the Kingdom last year, I actually found myself feeling those things in that exact part of the Temple of Time that he found so interesting. He’s right when he says that there’s an audience of players who love these random out of the way places. He even had the same experience as me in that he explored this area of the Temple of Time prior to getting the Ascend ability (which makes climbing that building so much easier). The only difference is that I didn’t build a bridge to initially get up there; I found a diagonally-growing tree at the back of the whole temple to climb up (I only know the detail about the tree because I checked my own gameplay video, lol)

    I’m gonna go check out more of the video’s in that playlist now 😄

  • No way, you did not just link that channel! You have no idea how insanely massive of a coincidence that is! I’m the one who made the original post on asklemmy. I had no idea the guy in this channel made a series like this, and something he said randomly in a video is the very reason I wrote this post.

    I’d never heard of this guy until I was watching his video a couple days ago, where he was trying to figure out where all the rivers in Breath of the Wild come from. While I was watching it, I was semi-consciously thinking to myself how much I love just chilling next to certain parts of the rivers in Breath of the Wild, because of the very feeling it gives me. At [some random point in the video](https://youtu.be/gcS1HIci4hQ?si=hDh9WwBnhoTNcooy&t=1382 (timestamped), he suddenly said something that felt out of nowhere to me. He suddenly said about these two small caves, “Telta Lake and Lake Siela in Breath of the Wild, where just two, unremarkable and odd little spots, where you could go stand to feel strange feelings for no reason.”. As soon as he said that, I was absolutely ecstatic that it appeared that he was referring to the feeling that I’ve been wondering to myself about for my whole life. If he said it about any other location in the game, I may not have clicked and written my post at all.

    The reason Telta Lake (the one of the two with the tree) was important, is because of another coincidence. This location is the exact location as where I have another fond memory, watching Nintendo Treehouse Live during E3 2016. I was 14, watching them showcase the gameplay of the game on YouTube. This was the first time I saw them show gameplay outside of the starting area of the game, the Great Plateau. For context, everyone in 2016 hyped for the release of the game were highly anticipating and excited to see what the world and gameplay would look like outside of the Great Plateau, including myself. I can’t find the exact Nintendo video, but whoever was playing the game, stood behind the large tree, and it made me feel that super nice feeling and seriously inspired me ever more to get the game and just “live in it”. From that moment forward, I’ve loved that little spot in the game ever since. Turns out I subscribed to him a few days ago when I was watching the video about the rivers. Sorry for the long comment.

  • But “freedom of speech absolutism” is only ever used as an argument by shitty people trying to say shitty things. Free speech doesn’t mean you should be free from repercussions from your peers.

    Me commenting on Odysee that LibreWolf is a great browser for privacy, or that SuperTuxKart and Veloren are good open source games is me saying shitty things, is it? You don’t even know the things that are said by the people you are talking about who advocate free speech absolutism. Further, Odysee inherently does not allow an absolutist level of free speech (it legally can’t), which is the whole reason they have community guidelines that must be followed.

    Edit: I accidentally seemed to be implying that I was a free speech absolutist when I am not. I do not believe that people should be allowed to promote violence or hatred of any kind; Odysee doesn’t allow this either. What I DO believe, is that those people should be allowed to express through speech what their own views are; even Nazi’s; as long as they aren’t promoting Nazism, violence, hatred or similar. So no, I am not being a devils advocate, because if the platform was completely 100% free speech to the point where it actually allows true hate speech, promotion or encouragement of violence and hatred etc., I wouldn’t be supporting the platform and defending it at all. If it were like that and I was still promoting it, than fair… calling me a devil’s advocate would make sense.

  • You cannot say things “uncontrollably” as there is still a community guidelines set of rules that just aren’t as strict as YouTube’s, plus the ability to report is there too. Despite being a free speech platform, it is still legally required not to host illegal content, and so these community guidelines absolutely must be there. If the comments or videos directly promote violence or hatred (just two examples), they are grounds for removal by site moderators. They are usually only removed when people report them, though, since the moderation team likely isn’t very large at this point in time.

    In my 2 years with Odysee, I’ve found one person earlier this year directly promoting extreme violence in a comment section. That’s one time too many; but it’s still a long time. I reported them, and they were removed. I don’t know how long it took for them to remove it though, because I only checked if the comment was still there after a couple of weeks; and it wasn’t; so I can’t speak for the swiftness of the moderators in their actions yet.