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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 24th, 2023


  • “This is the truth, every woke american use -” Mate that’s exactly how you sound. Your opinion is literally “all those states do use propaganda but that one ? Nah thye don’t”. You are trying to explain us that the Iranian government doesn’t use propaganda ? That’s it, they just don’t. Why wouldn’t they ? Because they are nice ? You’re telling me the government that sends their political paramilitary to poison hundreds of high school girls is not only nice but also honest ? Somehow I hardly believe that.

    And yes the part about how it sounds a little racist is indeed true because only the middle eastern dictatorship seems to still rely on posters and state newspapers for their propaganda while the white crazies are using internet.

  • is from people leaving

    Nah, the reason is that for the past ten years, discussion have become more and more toxic. Reddit launched a campaign against GOP outlets a couple years ago. This was absolute bullshits mainly because they ardently protect PRC propaganda subs calling for genocide and crypto-fascist subs. And that’s without accounting for islamist, ultra nationalist etc. Mainly because US court will only care about garbage like promoting Jan 6 in term of hate speech. Things that relate to the US.

    The thing is that our favorite left wingers at reddit are… usians, and like every left wing usians who isn’t racist, they are ethno centrist. When look for problematic subs I am certain they look for subs in english. I would even bet they only look at subs moderated and created from U.S or maybe Canadian territory. They catch some brits from time to time but speak Spanish and you can explain how a good thing it is to genocide the Yezidis.

    So moderate people left, from both side of the political spectrum and now only insane people remain. But no problem said reddit ! We just have to market ourselves as a place of free speech allowing controversies.

  • That’s an interesting idea. Though i think we must not underestimate internal Gazans cause. The HAMAS is basically running anti PA military dictatorship in Gaza enforcing an islamist rule through corruption of lower echelon political actors. The only way they managed to remain in power despite basically defrauding the UN and the Red Cross is by spreading the narrative “hey, we are yout heroic liberators (and everyone who disobeys us is a ******* jew)”. Not that they’re like the nazis, by “liberation” they mean “genocide”.

    The problem is that the HAMAS is… not very good at freeing Palestine. The only way they attacked Israel before is through rocket bombardment using 250$ ammo. Problem is that they never got out to fight Tsahal. However their authoritarianism only strengthen with time meaning HAMAS was very not freeing palestine and very much oppressing palestinians. So people started asking question about what the hell all that military budget and requisition were for. So they planned a “boots on the ground mission”. This was supposed to be a show of force to make them look good. I’d even believen advisors suggested this idea. Except the main issue with the HAMAS is that, to them, all this garbage we call “guerilla”, “civil defense”, “policing”, “resistance”, “show of force” means the exact same thing : good ol’ ethnic cleansing.

    And an ethnic cleansing on a population of 7 000 000 000. Which means if you’re an israeli citizens, yoiu likely have connections, be it former classmates or extended family, to a victim of the attack. this did not help with the Israeli state of mind rigth afterwards. [](to show the world just how bad Israel can over-react) That’s exactly where I think they should have stopped being insane nazi islamist and read actual books. See I’m French, here we see U.S forces in WW2 as heroes, they are the “Libérateurs”, same for the Brits. You want to know what’s weird ? We do that, despite the fact the U.S.A.F sometimes entirely destoryed the wrong french cities. Yes that happen, for exemple in Royan. We know that, they killed our own peoples, the Liberation of France wa just american G.Is riding through France to enter Germany, but it doesn’t change our opinion. Why ? Because the Vichy Regime were a bunch of fascistic traitors whose stupid and submissive policies led us to this situation. Same thing for the IIIrd Reich who was occupying the country.

    No one will side with the HAMAS, few will side with Gaza despite mainstream media broadcasting many pro-palestinian voices (because now that the war is on it’s cooler). Because people don’t like flat out ethnic cleansing and they especially dislikes when their perpetrators run countries