• 11 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 9th, 2024


  • The kitchen is on tiles and the other floor in the living room is slightly infront of the tiles. So the kitchen is basically standing on the tiles and the wall of the cabinets is closing it.

    Which gap do you mean?

    The gap under the kitchen is still going to be closed tomorrow. The floor/wall gap on the right side is getting a skirting board in 2-3 weeks.

    So kitchen isn’t standing on the wood floor, only on tiles and the cover will slightly be (2-3 cm) in front of the tiles and slightly above the wood floor (0.2mm) so we can’t see the tiles from the front (only wood floor).

    This is what it looked like without kitchen:

    So basically the wood floor has 0,5 cm gap to the walls and tiles and the cover of the kitchen will be in front of the gap. Ideally I won’t see the gap because it is behind the kitchen cover once we are done :)

    The area underneith the cabinet is “open” and we wanted it not to be seeable tiles so we put the wood floor there. It was a bit complicated to messure it exactly so I had to “end” the tiles about 1.20 meters before I started the wood floor with 0,5 cm distance to the tiles.

    In the pictures you can’t see it but if you are in the kitchen and take the cover away you can see about 7 cm’s of wood floor and then the cover and on the other side of the kitchen (my view in pictures) you can’t see the tiles and the 7 cm of wood floor because they are behind the cover.

  • It’s on the left side next to the built in oven. I have a smaller fridge with freezer built in but I have a larger fridge and freezer in the technical room to store stuff I don’t need daily.

    I don’t know why but I never needed a big fridge. Tbh I had a half empty two door fridge the last years that I never filled up and always had to clean and throw stuff away I had bought but never used/ forgot in that fridge lol.

    Not saying the fridge and freezer I have in that kitchen now is “small”, I’d say medium. Still enough room to store the stuff I use for a week or two.

  • I wrote below that I am also critical.

    Interviewer: Does having a family make it impossible to climb without fear entering your mind?

    Alex: "Time will tell. It’s maybe possible, but it might be a challenge. I think it’s easier to free solo when you can tell yourself that your life doesn’t matter that much. You’re kind of like, “Well, I’m just doing my thing, and it’s my own choice.” And if you have any real acceptance that your life matters a lot to other people, then you are sort of like, “Well, you know, it’s sort of my responsibility to not squander that.”

    On the other hand, with a lot of the hard free soloing, the whole point is to make it feel safe and relatively comfortable. To basically prepare enough that it doesn’t feel like you’re rolling the dice.

    Actually, last fall I did a big soloing traverse in Red Rock, near my home in Las Vegas. It was a 32-hour soloing traverse by myself, climbing up over all the major peaks in Red Rock. I think to the average viewer, they’d be like, “Holy shit, he’s still soloing at a really high level.” But the reality is that, for me personally, that just doesn’t feel like extreme free soloing in the same way. It was kind of more akin to ultrarunning or like a giant endurance event or something. I was free soloing, but it’s a far cry from El Cap."

    My thoughts: While he is skilled he isn’t taking the natural environment in his equation. It might be a easypeasy climb like he mentions in the interview above. Sure, but the risk of Rockfall, high winds, adverse weather, unexpecited animals mid route, sudden noises etc. that scare you are still real. In Nevada where he climbs they have air force jets, if you get caught off guard during a climb things can get friggin’ dangerous.

    Yeah I understand this doesn’t happen every day but once you have children I wouldn’t want to risk a single solo climb. It’s not required and he is climbing at a level he doesn’t have to prove anyone anything. He is rich and already extremely good. At this point it’s selfish and stupid. I don’t know normally I really don’t care but well I don’t think free soloing should be glorified and he is a person that younger people look up to. He is a person younger people SHOULDN’T look up to. Climbing without a rope shouldn’t look like they are better climbers than climbers with ropes. Especially because we have access to ropes, we have them for a reason.

    Most climbs he solos are nothing and I’d say most of the climbs might go well but nature can screw him up. A fly lands on your nose and you get distracted - you die. Free solo equates with being totally alone on the rock, not being able to call anyone for help, and not being able to bail if things go wrong. You either go up, or you fall (and very probably, die). Another option might be climb back down, but… dunno why would you climb down if you already know the route and are confident?

    That’s all it is. Nothing a man should risk once you have children.

  • Well I have no idea about that, Im not from the US but assuming his family loves him I guess no money can make up for the loss of a loved one.

    If they in any case Shouldnt love him for whatever reason and want his money he should be very careful about spoiling the routes he wants to climb lol. I watched medical detectives late night as a 10 year old I know what people especially family is capable of lol.

  • I have two takes on this.

    When I was an avid climber, the consensus was, “Those who free solo, die by free solo.” So I think this isn’t an unpopular opinion, given non-climbers got to think it’s stupid. I think it’s just we love to spectate on that risky adventure.

    Personally I have never and won’t in the future ever climb free solo but I joined people do it and my heart was racing like crazy. Imagine wittnessing a death. In my personal opinion it’s stupid. People do it because they think it makes them special. Having some type of safety measures wouldn’t effect the sport.

    Does he still do free solos? If yes, he has children and a wife. That is the point where I have no respect for him or any other person. If you only got yourself and no family - fine. Do whatever. But if you have a family and people down there that love you - why should you continue to do that? You don’t need to feel more alive. You already proved the world you can and it’s okay. Instead he still goes up there without safety eventhough safety measures exist - for a reason.

    If someone can climb what this dude can climb I wouldn’t have less respect for what he achieved just because he has a rope attached to him. I personally couldn’t care less. He can climb with a rope and if he falls start again until he finishes the climb without a drop and call it a day. Maybe his family members could then go in a Sauna during his climb instead of living in anxiety during his climb.

    But well, I understand it. You feel alive blablabla. It’s like playing hardcore in action role play games but well, those are just games and if you die fine start again. This brings me to my next critic: if you fall, someone is going to have to clean you up. Thats not fair. I’m glad no one I love solo free climbs or does any other extreme sport and if I knew someone who does it on a regular basis that I love I would try to love this person less so the loss in case an accident happens won’t hurt as much.

    Anyways great climber. In my eyes it’s still pathetic because he doesn’t need to prove he can do those climbs without a rope…


    This video above is with Alex and Magnus and well what should I say… crazy.