
  • 84 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • “Recently, the challenges and risks related to the rise of China as a dominant actor in many economy and technology areas have become more and more apparent in Latin America as well,” Christian Hauser, an expert on Latin America at the University of Applied Sciences in Graubünden, Switzerland, told DW.

    Various Latin American societies are increasingly feeling that it’s predominantly Beijing which has profited from the region’s economic relations with China, said Hauser. Therefore, he said, current criticism of China’s trade practices could become even more pronounced."

  • This is one of those events that will go down in history,” added Leite, who has declared a state of emergency in 397 of his state’s 497 towns and cities.

    One of the worst-affected cities is the state capital, Porto Alegre, which sits along the Guaíba river. The waterway hit a record level of 5.33 metres (17.5ft) on Sunday morning – even higher than during historic 1941 floods when it rained for more than 20 days straight.

    “Porto Alegre has been devastated, leaving virtually the whole city without its supply of water, electricity and food,” the newspaper O Globo reported on Tuesday, describing “a situation of unprecedented sorrow” in the flooded city of 1.4 million inhabitants.

  • So, you claim lots of things, but I miss you backing up your arguments with substantiated evidence like a link. Instead of keeping attacking my argument it would be nice if you’d actually provide evidence based info.

    For example, in addition to my earlier point via this article.

    “As director of the International Fact-Checking Network, I’ve watched this movement label fact-checkers as part of a “censorship industrial complex,” claiming that fact-checkers are trying to suppress debatable information. Ironically, this deeply misleading argument itself is aimed at suppressing critique and debate.”

    Sounds familiar?

    I am just critical about newssources with mixed credibility when we are already facing a very polarised situation.

  • You couldn’t think of a better Propaganda Op for a state actor in the modern Internet age than setting up a centralized “media facts checker” that makes sure media sources

    But I could, I could simply write articles which are simply based on half truth and publish them for a wider public. Which is happening already on a huge scale.

    So, I was asking for a better source, and then you are suggesting that I’m the one advocating state sponsored propaganda?

    So, I wonder, out of curiosity, how would you objectively review news sources?

    Here’s another media factchecker: groundnews: mixed factuality rating. Also the credibility score is handed out by an external party Pointer Institute for Fact Checking , and I wasn’t talking about the political left or right bias.