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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • PS they dont all look the same. Many in shop walls while they have the same colour and basic design but flat.

    There were loads outside larger post offises that were black boxes with 3 slots. (From when 3 classes of mail existed.

    The first is and was common in villages where pavements were to narrow. But you are correct they were of a design that was reminisant of the piller.

    The bigger ones really were a huge acception. Other then shape i have no idea why they abolised the look.

    Not sure when they were built. May have been something to do with the 60s design ethos. As I can only remember the late 70s on.

  • Fair.

    I wonfer if you are old enouth to remember the early utility boxes.

    They were dark green made from much thicker metel. And had over hanging tops similar to postboxes but rectangular.

    Been a good couple of decades since I saw one. But they were more shapped little recess in the double doors etc.

    My guess is privatisation made the uriliries consider price and replacability over asthetics.

    If so. Thar dose not bode well for posr boxes.

  • silvery trail of evidence of tax avoidance.

    There web site is the trail. It openly states that the purpose is to remove bisness rates from empty commercial property.

    As the law means property used for farming is 0 rated.

    They are not to bothered about slimy trails because tax avoidemce is legal.

    Just seems to be the first time someone has come up with this implementation.

    The question is. How quickly the local auth comes up with a way to claim it dose not meet planninf perposes or some such.

  • In the UK it is not a crime to avoid tax. Nor most places.

    The fact the tittle says its a.probe for avoidebce. Is the question im asking.

    Evation is a crime.

    Definition wise Avoidence is what every britt with a IRA style savings account is doing.

    This company is claiming openly and legally that running a snail farm is a way to avoid paying local buisness rates. As they do not apply to farming.

    My comment about morals was based on the comment claiming it not being profitable is evidence. There is no crime in running an unprofitable company. And theor are many moral reasons to do so.

    The reson for this is identified in the article. And is def avoidence.

    Ill also add. While I have no sympathy for commercial landlords. The companies are in danger atm as UK high streets are not able to rent property.

    Buisness rates are not based on profit. They are based on the building.

    If a company has loads of empty not earning buildings. At a time where they are not renting or selling well(at all)

    Its really not imoral for that comany to look at ways to reduce fuxed costs.

  • Can’t help but wonder why there is a probe. Tax avoidance is perfectly legal.

    And honestly, running a negative profit company is not really an effective solution. It’s basically giving money away, so avoiding tax by not having any money.

    Unless the person has some personal interest in snails. And in that case. Cool for him that has no moral issue. Non-profit companies are a common way of funding a charitable(ish) venture and perfectly legal.

    It is more likely to be an evasion/criminal activity probe. IE, snails ain’t what he is really selling.

  • I assume the complaint is actually related to attitudes at the time. Greek status etc show nude men and women. Because ancient Greek culture expressed no negativity towards bare breasts or shared nude bathing. So the artwork was never intended to be shocking. Greek Men amd women are known to have often shared public baths naked. And it is believed that women did not overly concern about covering both breasts in public.

    Where as the famous scene of Maralin Monroe was set upmby media to cause shock amd offence. Selling the model as a sexial object to be displayed to men who were not culturally expected to see random famous under garments,