• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Currently? Back pain.

    But in general my brain is dumb and does some dumb stuff.

    The other night I wanted a nice cup of earl grey lavender tea to help me relax because I couldn’t fall asleep. Problem being was we had ran out of loose leaf tea bags. I dug out the small box of tea strainers we have collected over the year only to find out one hadn’t been properly cleaned and was slightly moldy. Others were surface rusted or tarnished.

    My sleep deprived brain decided that the best decision was to pull out the dental picks, dremel tool, and other cleaning picks to get these tea strainers in tip top shape.

    This is how my wife found me sitting on a bar stool hunched over the kitchen sink deep cleaning tea strainers at 3:30 in the morning.

  • Just incase some one reads this and gets any ideas. Don’t do this if you are a renter. While it is easy to install if you are doing it correct and using the appropriately sized wall anchors you will be left with dozens of hols from small nail size to larger quarter sized holes that will all need to be filled, patched, sanded, primed, and then painted to match the original wall.

    That being said I’m THIS close to saying screw it and putting some in every possible room of our apartment.

  • I’ll be paying and having no second thoughts about it.

    I know you all LOVE to scream “shiver me timbers” at the drop of a hat but for me it’s just to much hassle. At the end of a long day at work I don’t want to have to figure out if my torrents are properly managed or use potentially questionable websites.

    What I want to do is come home, press the microphone button on my shield remote, tell it what I want to watch and let it go. No hassle, no fuss, I don’t care about anything so incredibly much that if it suddenly wasn’t available then I NEED to have it at any cost. To me that kind of “have to have it right now and at all times forever and ever” mentality is just as bad as the rampant blind consumerism that the majority of humanity seems to embrace. If I want something that bad I’ll find a way to purchase it physically.