I have this has my Portainer Stack and all the variables configuration in the environment variables but while container works fine when first access, it reset when I edit the container or update and I have to create a new login.
I discovered recently that while other containers works fine, the worker container wouldn’t.
I’m new to docker and container and would appreciate help
I wouldn’t know if someone can help me.
I have this has my Portainer Stack and all the variables configuration in the environment variables but while container works fine when first access, it reset when I edit the container or update and I have to create a new login.
I discovered recently that while other containers works fine, the worker container wouldn’t.
I’m new to docker and container and would appreciate help
This my docker-compose file
version: '3.8' volumes: db_storage: n8n_storage: redis_storage: x-shared: &shared restart: always environment: - DB_TYPE=postgresdb - DB_POSTGRESDB_HOST=postgres - DB_POSTGRESDB_PORT=5432 - DB_POSTGRESDB_DATABASE=${POSTGRES_DB} - DB_POSTGRESDB_USER=${POSTGRES_NON_ROOT_USER} - DB_POSTGRESDB_PASSWORD=${POSTGRES_NON_ROOT_PASSWORD} - EXECUTIONS_MODE=queue - QUEUE_BULL_REDIS_HOST=redis - QUEUE_HEALTH_CHECK_ACTIVE=true - N8N_BASIC_AUTH_ACTIVE=true - N8N_BASIC_AUTH_USER - N8N_BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD links: - postgres - redis volumes: - n8n_storage:/home/node/ depends_on: redis: condition: service_healthy postgres: condition: service_healthy services: postgres: image: postgres:11 restart: always environment: - POSTGRES_USER - POSTGRES_PASSWORD - POSTGRES_DB - POSTGRES_NON_ROOT_USER - POSTGRES_NON_ROOT_PASSWORD volumes: - db_storage:/var/lib/postgresql/data - ./init-data.sh:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/init-data.sh healthcheck: test: ["CMD-SHELL", "pg_isready -h localhost -U ${POSTGRES_USER} -d ${POSTGRES_DB}"] interval: 5s timeout: 5s retries: 10 redis: image: redis:6-alpine restart: always volumes: - redis_storage:/data healthcheck: test: ["CMD", "redis-cli", "ping"] interval: 5s timeout: 5s retries: 10 n8n: <<: *shared image: n8nio/n8n command: /bin/sh -c "n8n start --tunnel" ports: - 5678:5678 n8n-worker: <<: *shared image: n8nio/n8n command: /bin/sh -c "sleep 5; n8n worker" depends_on: - n8n