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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023


  • Thanks! The whole street we live on are similar units and they’re genuinely awesome. Everyone has balconies for plants, and if you want to chill in some grass there are great parks within a 10 minute walk. They would definitely pose a problem for the less able bodied, but the hills of San Francisco aren’t very friendly either. Our unit is one of the two at ground level so groceries aren’t a problem, but we don’t have a car so grocery trips are frequent and small anyway (we also run a HelloFresh discount scheme). Highly recommend giant concrete buildings. They’re a little industrial looking but damn are they great.

    We lived in a townhome before actually and it was pretty good as well, but the sound proofing just wasn’t there unfortunately. Not awful but nothing compared to our current place.

  • This doesn’t require single family housing on giant lots. Just well built buildings with proper insulation and sound proofing. I used to think apartments were just noisy until my partner and I moved into our current place. I live on the top floor of a 2 building, 6 unit complex of loft apartments cascading down the side of a hill. The buildings had to be built to withstand the extremely strong winds from the bay, and as such they’re solid as fuck.

    Despite our downstairs being tile floor our neighbors have told us they haven’t heard any noise from us at all. My partner and I started being less concerned about noise and began playing somewhat loud music frequently and yell to each other across the unit. Despite this our downstairs neighbors still haven’t heard a peep from us. For a while I genuinely thought our neighbors were just trying to be nice as everyone in our complex is super friendly and gets along well.

    One day our neighbor in the adjacent building was woodworking in his garage. Normally the noise wouldn’t bother me, but I was focused on something so I shut the window facing the courtyard which made me realize just how soundproof this giant concrete building is, both between units and to the outside world. I couldn’t hear our neighbors saw unless I opened the curtains and tried to hear it, otherwise it might as well have been very faint background noise. I really wish buildings like this were the norm for apartments because they provide all the privacy of a single family home with all the benefits of apartment buildings.

  • Even then buying and selling stocks, having a 401k, IRA, etc. doesn’t even make it complicated. You just have to fill out a 1099-B/DIV/INT and then list your contributions to your retirement accounts.

    I don’t know why people pretend it’s so hard. You spend 30 minutes every year answering a few questions and punching numbers into boxes from a few documents that are sent to you by your broker/bank/employer. It’s also only $15 at FreeTaxUSA.

    Opening the accounts you report to the IRS is arguably more difficult than filing them on your taxes.

  • I wasn’t blaming it on anyone. I was just explaining why so many young people, myself included, choose to not give any thought to things they can’t control. It’s not worth the mental energy and will make you depressed and miserable. I’m all for fighting for things that can be changed, but there’s only so much one person can do. Prioritizing what one can give effort to is a much better way to go about it than stressing out about everything wrong with the world.

  • Because many of us were thrust into an extremely fucked up world where caring all the time will give you anxiety and leave you feeling hopeless. It’s much more productive to focus your efforts on things you can control instead of being upset about the things you can’t. I’m very conscious of the world I leave behind. I respect nature, don’t litter, don’t own a car, limit my meat intake, and most importantly I’m not having children. All of these things will contribute to a better world, but they don’t require me to care about anything outside of my control.

    This has nothing to do with age, and everything to do with trying to be okay in an increasingly more depressing world. I just want to exist and not dread everything all the time.

  • Because by not using a password manager I guarantee you are duplicating passwords between services. This means the second a service you use is compromised, every single service you use with that same email/password combination is compromised. Even if every one of your passwords had a slight deviation malicious actors know people do this and will likely be able to write a program that attempts those deviations on other services. You’re effectively leaving your security up to weakest link in services you sign up for, and security is more often implemented poorly than implemented well.

    By using a password manager you generate a 20+ character long password that is unique to each service you use. These passwords being random and unique to each service protects you from rainbow tables and other hash table based attacks. In the event Bitwarden or another password manager you use is breached anything they get will be worthless as long as your master password is not compromised (which should only ever exist in your head) due to the data being encrypted at rest.

    It is a similar concept to using a secure, trusted middleman for processing payments instead of giving your credit card to every single site that asks for it.