Hope springs eternal as they say right?
Hope springs eternal as they say right?
Any chance you can help me find a wife?
Im gonna guess.
Sport is a spectacle. At the highest levels of any given sport(usually)
Women, if they cannot compete with men, will simply not exist in the highest levels of that sport.
If women cannot be part of the highest levels of that sport, the sport cant make enough money to create leagues that can convince enough women to put significant amount of systems in place to train and produce the best women capable of playing that sport.
Until we stop caring about only letting/finding/supporting/producing the best of the best, its an incredibly bad idea to ignore the many sport specific disadvantage biology plays in competition
Actually listening to Ogre Battle when i read your comment. So thats fun and i wanted to share and thank you.
I found a deep cuts playlist to listen to before reading This article (i didnt agree with everything the article claimed, but was a passionate take on queen which was fun in its own way)
I accidently opened up the wrong app when I finished reading it and intended to come back here. After seeing the track list Ogre Battle immediately caught my eye as it is also the name of one of my favourite video game franchises.
Now i wonder if there is any connection between the song and the game. Now I really hope(and my head cannon until proven wrong!) is that the game creator or someone on the team was a huge Queen fan
I feel like you misunderstood me so let me try to elaborate to fix that. My apologies.
You are making definitive statements, instead of framing your statements as opinions.
It might not improve your enjoyment of the songs, but they are objectively better lyrics by having more meanings.
Improvement doesnt need to be enjoyable. In the same way popular does not equal quality.
Im not trying to convince you to like the song anymore. Im pointing out that you misrepresented them with your comment and then doubled down on it. Its fine im not upset or trying to convince you to listen to the song more, im merely trying to explain, and at this point for anyone else reading this threads discussion.
Lyrics arent always meant to be deep thought provoking amazing literature, but serve the theme mood or tone of a project. You could say the same about dialogue if we wanted to broaden the scope of this discussion. Thats not a suggestion, just framing my purpose.
I hope this helps to explain what I was saying, and if it doesnt we will simply have to hash it out, or agree to disagree. Im fine with either outcome
Now i want to play cards against humanity lol
The jokers new origin story just dropped
Loli need to pay more attention to what community a post is in before i reply
Canadian, some think we are american enough for most situations.
Is it Greece?
Im gonna go check, but thats my answer right now
How arent they improved by that? You dont have to enjoy them any more, but the lyrics are undeniably improved by knowing what non-literal message they are saying.
I missed the word “take” on first read. And was gonna ask what made them so bad live and was it Adam Lambert
That puts them a bit under pressure
Makes more sense in an era when you werent allowed to be gay/queer and also be respected in your field.
You do know bicycle is a thinly veiled code for being bisexual right?
Im glad they are a better person than they used to be, but that particular sentence made me laugh out loud
Then I stated reading the Bible, and once I did that, I obviously couldn’t continue believing it.
Yeah nothing obvious about that. Your religion is idiotic, all religions are lies made up by con artists or crazy people. You cant be trusted if you need some book assembled over a 600 year period, edited and abused by religious leaders to control and manipulate the masses into maintaining and increasing their own powerbase, to tell you right from wrong.
Religion is just the old world version of todays billionaires
I did not
I was just pointing out a logical fallacy. It’s literally impossible to do the thing you said.
This is just facts, they aren’t an opinion
Not everything that is illegal is punishable by arrest
A hotmail account from before microsoft bought it
I watched more than a couple movies i knew would be bad because Peter Cullen was doing some voice work in them