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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I was feeling really bad for the guy thinking he was now homeless, because there would’ve been no way to sell the home prior being in the location it was, until I read the last lines of him living at his second home while he figures out what to do. Oh gee, I don’t know. How about, live in your spare home? For fucks sake “figuring out what to do”. Collect any reimbursement and move on in your extra house as if nothing happened. Rich motherfucker. There are few enough houses available in Hawaii without someone taking up multiple. No wonder Hawaiians are sick of haoli.

    My rants aside though neat links! Thanks for posting them!

  • A people and it’s government are two different things. And frequently the government does not give accurate representation of its people’s desires.

    But let’s say the USA, because I assume that’s what you are insinuating by westerners, is 100x more evil than all other countries combined. Does that mean the Russian government isn’t bad? Nope. Truth doesn’t change based on the moral character of another separate unrelated entity. Even if that entity is worse and even if that worse entity is the one saying the truth.