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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • Oh I’m completely against Russia’s invasion. I’m just pointing out the propaganda. Russia is absolutely full of Nazis. That doesn’t change the fact that western propaganda covers up the Ukraine Nazi problem. Which they literally reported on prior to the war.

    *Edit I’ll also add I absolutely started with that one because I knew it would be super controversial.

  • Not the OP but let’s fish for down votes.

    The Azov battalion are Nazis in Ukraine and Russia is actively trying to exterminate them.

    The Russian military brought peace to Syria while the US funded Syrian terrorists.

    We call Iran terrorists while the US actively terrorized Iran by murdering their generals without provocation.

    The US actively pirates Iranian shipments.

    The US changes the definition of words to fit their needs. US isn’t in a recession because the government changed how we define recessions.

    China is actively committing a deathless genocide because like institutionalized racism we are generalizing the concept of cultural genocide to cover all definitions of genocide.

    The Chinese economy is bad because they only grew 5%.

    The fentanyl issue is blamed on everyone except the US own incompetence. Whether it be Purdue, or Mexico or China but definitely not a US enforcement issue.

    And that’s just off the top of my head.

    *Edit. I see my votes have turned positive now that I’ve clarified my personal position on the Ukraine conflict. But let me point out that my facts didn’t change only that I’ve pointed out I’m against Russia.

    But this is my point. We should stop down voting facts simply because they’re uncomfortable. That’s how we get presidents like Trump.

  • While that’s true, I would argue the total human cost is similar. Your estimates do not count stolen and killed Ukrainian civilians. Adding those would make the numbers far closer, especially since no Russian civilians are caught in this conflict so far.

    Not saying any of this is OK. Just unfortunately the numbers are very similar. War is miserable.

    *And yes, the fact that Ukraine is suffering more losses due to the fact that it’s Russia invading absolutely makes Russia the bad guy here. I’m just pointing out that the losses are unfortunately very close.

  • What you’re saying is true, but misses the point. Yes, larger content creators can get sources of income besides advertising. However, the whole point of youtube is to let anyone big or small get started. Small creators can’t get started if they don’t have a source of income. So that’s where the advertising comes in.

    In a sense, twitch builds upon the success of youtube. They took large creators who could get the $5 subscriptions on to their platform. But this only increased the need for youtube to court advertisers.

    In a world without advertisers paying content creators, our options would be severely limited. We want small upstarts and cutting off their source of income is a terrible idea.

    Unfortunately, our world requires the necessity evil of youtube doing whatever it can to stop ad blocker. No matter how nice it is. And if you as a user are satisficed with the limited content from large creators, as you said, there’s always twitch.

  • I don’t think we have differing opinions actually. I’m saying there have been many countries that have stated they do not see the stuff USA talks about to make it reasonable to ban. They all shut up and followed the US after 2020 and individuals even started to say Huawei is more evil than American companies. Again without any particular evidence.

    Would I argue that Google and Huawei do similar and equally bad things, yes absolutely. I’m just tired of people attacking Huawei and saying they’re worse than American corps. That’s all I’m trying to say here.

  • That’s because the accusations and bans were on telco equipment. Hell, you can still buy Huawei phones on Amazon if you wanted to in the states. You don’t seem to understand what all the propaganda hub bub was about to begin with.


    I think you’re completely misunderstanding my position. My position is Huawei is considered worse than google because of US propaganda. Not that Huawei is better than google. And that propaganda is not substantiated.

  • Of course. That’s because you blindly believe the country that wiretaps it’s allies, like Merkle in Germany. That spies on its citizens using systems like Prism. Arrests journalists who report this like Assange. Yeah, those guys are totally who you should believe. And no, Huawei still hasn’t had any evidence against them, only conjecture from that country.

    And I know what you’re going to say. You’re going to call me naive and that Huawei definitely does it. But yes go on trusting the country with a laundry list of violations.