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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 16th, 2023


  • I think you’re confused. The men’s lib community is a progressive, feminist-supporting space focused on giving men an opportunity to discuss matters of vulnerability and struggle. They try to help people struggling with mental issues hard times, and discuss how to counter toxic masculinity type shit.
    I’m not involved in the Lemmy community but I used to check out the Reddit one back when I still got on there. The toxic neckbeard shit that’s up in arms about the overblown man v bear shit is the MRA (“men’s rights”) group.

  • This is also why regulatory agencies have been systematically crippled over the last 40 years or so. Damn near every sector has had their regulatory agencies crippled by some combination of reducing authority, underfunding, and understaffing. When the agencies work, the message is “see, we don’t need those regulations anymore because we’re taking care of things fine on our own,” and when they stop working, the message is “we shouldn’t be spending money on these agencies! They don’t do anything anyway!”

  • Yeah, VMWare has too much competition in all spaces to pull moves like this and get away with it. In the Enterprise space, depending on environment, Proxmox, RHV, Hyper-V (though that’s apparently losing support in 2031), Citrix and I think a couple of others (haven’t been heavily involved in that area in a while so don’t know what else is big now). And in the consumer/power user space, most of the above still work fine, for free, along with things like Virtualbox and ESXI just for starters.

  • I did say if you have a specific thing to get it in writing. If you sign a letter of intent, that is getting it in writing. Plenty of guys in my boot camp got told they could go do X job in the Navy but ended up getting a different designation during boot. This was back in the mid 2000’s so it may be more standard to have the LoI but at the time plenty of us did and plenty of us didn’t. And for my job, I only got to join “the nuke program” - we got to give a wishlist for which rating but it didn’t mean much. I got the rating I wanted, but several guys wanted Electronics Technician and ended up as their last choice - Machinist’s Mates. And I’ve met some decently smart infantry, but I’ve also met plenty of infantry that were (affectionately) window lickers. More seriously though, the ones we joked around with about being window lickers aren’t actually stupid, they were just average guys, just not as quick as some of the other vets in the group (the Marine vet embraced the crayon eating jokes). I’m sure they were fine at their job though, and they followed orders well which is probably the most important thing in a soldier or sailor.

  • The score matters as far as what jobs you qualify for, and it also tests different aptitudes. For example, two people could have the same overall score (say a 70), but one person could show mechanical aptitude and be pushed toward a Machinist position, while the other could do poorly on mechanical but do well in electrical stuff and become an electrician.
    They also don’t want to waste their smarter people as basic grunts or cooks, so a higher ASVAB score can mean you’re less likely to get the job you want if, say, you score 90+, but always wanted to be a chef. If you have a specific job you want to go in for, you basically have to get it in writing that you’re joining for that job, otherwise you’re at the mercy of the “needs of the {branch name}” - you will be what they need most that you’re very good at.

  • I have a minor conspiracy theory about the Game Pass launch: it almost seems like they made the game pass version intentionally worse/buggier. Still had fun gameplay but lacking features that a lot of people want, some odd oversights (e.g. no menu to quit the game in the PC game pass build, have to alt+F4) and more stability issues. That gives people a chance to try it, find out they like the game, learn it’s better on steam, and then buy it there.
    That’s exactly what happened with my entire friend group (we also wanted a Private server for more people and persistent world regardless of who is online, which GP version can’t do currently).
    Rationally, I recognize that it’s probably a matter of the build being different, limitations when running in the Microsoft ecosystem (though other games are about to connect to private servers, even if it’s less straightforward) and the GP version is primarily for console (runs on PC as well, but the menu screens feel like console ones). But it certainly didn’t hurt their sales that the Steam version was clearly better.