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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • That question is a prime example of a bad question for surveying anything. “Too many” is a relative question but it does not say what we should relate it to. I think the amount of people coming here are overwhelming our structures we have for integration. But the solution in my mind can’t be to stop people from coming here by force. Either we invest a lot more into integration so we stop being overwhelmed or we invest more into developing peace and prosperity outside of Europe. Answering this question with yes will lump me in with people saying yes because they just flat out don’t want outsiders in their country.

  • That’s one part of the lesson here yes. I definitely needed a minute to figure out why this whole thing caused a negative emotion in me. And going through this process will hopefully help me do it quicker the next time over. But on the other hand a bit of empathy for humans behaving like humans wouldn’t hurt either. It’s no wonder men react to the topic like they do, identifying with the person in a scenario sharing your gender is simply how human brains work. It’s why representation of diversity is important, but the same effect obviously also works on men.

  • A quick googling tells me a burger is about 3kg of CO2 equivalents. 1L of gas seems to be about 2,5kg.

    Now if you were to eat local and seasonal food I’d guess you can get more efficient than burning oil.

    Edit: As @bjorney correctly pointed out a quick google in the morning, before the brain functions properly kick in, isn’t the best way to produce comments on numbers. I did NOT account for the factor of about 15 that a burger needs to get close the energy stored in a liter of gasoline.

    Edit to the edit: Just out of curiosity I did another quick google (please brain, be functioning now) and it seems that to get 8500kcal from oats you need about 2,5kg. This seems to produce about 1kg of co2 equivalents. I am certain that this does not include the amount of co2 the human is expelling in excess by using their muscles instead of a motor, so the whole discussion is probably moot anyways.