While humanity can be incredible and beautiful to look at from a distance…
Humans, tend to fucking suck.
While humanity can be incredible and beautiful to look at from a distance…
Humans, tend to fucking suck.
I’m still confused
I know when I say something inflammatory the response I will get, but I don’t let it stop me from changing my view, and I intend to converse to further share and understand information.
I’m an asshole, not a hypocrite.
I do like the idea of a map.
We have colonized the Internet it’s probably about time we start making a map for those that follow.
While not necessarily about the upvotes I find the users here are still very much about being Right™ or trying to be the most liked and therefore the most conformed to their community.
The updoots may not matter but people for sure act like they do or want them to.
Literally in this thread is another person calling it too left and another calling it too right.
You notice the things you don’t like more. Political ideology is always going to have a spread the problem is the argumentative user base and user self superiority.
Then I guess make sure you don’t talk to yourself.
Ah Lemmy. Still full of comments from smug assholes pretending their lack of sonder is the good kind, and if they don’t understand something it’s cause it’s worthless and pointless while their knowledge is the most important.
Yeah, there are other reasons than the UX/UI and the screenshot even shows it.
Lair: as in secret base or den
Really old English word that follows no conventions
lol. Yup. We aren’t the cream of the crop here like some egos would have themselves believe.
Who is we? Lots of places do communal bath houses. Japan has an entire industry around it. Mass transit is also highly prevalent.
Yes there will always be some level of individual desire to do things or need in some cases but communal projects are useful and common I don’t get the dismissal of that for energy creation something we long ago figured out was better to be done at scale and distributed after.
This is neoliberalism and treating it like it’s the only way to exist. It’s a failure of consideration or imagination. Either way your take is not right for that.
Yeah this does prove a failing point for the fediverse that is an important part of larger adoption. This still mostly exists in large part by communal effort even if the community doesn’t appreciate it or recognize it
FlyingSquid will never be wrong and if you keep going they turn to emotional manipulation and abuse with threatening suicide and making horrible statements about their life in order to drag you to sympathize for them after they have been rude and unsympathetic to you.
I don’t think they are a bot but I think they are one of the worst people to discuss with on the platform for their own personal reasons.
The mods on Lemmy are not good. They help incite shouting matches at different communities for fun including ones that have the developers for Lemmy itself, let basic bait for profiling others exist because they proclaim to let the other side speak up if they wanted to after bashing them down.
They will turn around and unironically claim to be just janitors with no power while ignoring the very position of mod gives them a lead role in how discussions are held.
Lemmy is just 4chan for neo liberals and the mods act like it.
This is not a particularly helpful message for the time being since the election is past and won’t be for a while at best.
This is more a wish on what could have been and leaves little room for current discourse when this is a dead end topic.
Yeah I’m not sure the sound I made was a laugh
I have stated real estate multiple times you aren’t reading what I’m writing and including me in some crusade to correct a misconception that isn’t happening here.
Buying a house is not included in the numbers.
Please participate in the conversation happening than having the one you want.
Yeah as if there is someone with a yacht just offering any kind of help to others