• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • Krudler@lemmy.worldtoNo Stupid Questions@lemmy.worldXXX
    4 months ago

    Since the concept of God is unique to each individual, and totally irrational, and basically non-existent in an objective sense, the answer would be no.

    Or I suppose more to your question, if you personally believe that God exists and is a physical being and you believe it’s made of atoms, then it’s made of atoms.


    I wanted to add an edit here. I think it’s very baffling to me that you chose atoms. Atoms are not even fundamental particles; they are made up of smaller particles. And those smaller particles themselves are made up of smaller particles. And we’re not entirely sure where those particles come from, they might be from fields that are even more fundamental.

    The point here is that I do not understand why you have chosen an arbitrary scale for matter. Even if we did accept for a moment that God was a physical creature, why would he be made of coalescences or larger particles? I know it seems ridiculous but it’s kind of like pondering if God is made of baseballs.

  • Wait until you discover that almost every action taken by a human is irrational, unconscious, and based on their emotional state and feelings. And that humans do not communicate with logic, they communicate by exchanging the way they feel and perceive the world with each other, within a mutual logical/perceptive framework.

    I would suggest you do a little bit of research into neurobiology - It’s very humbling to be confronted with the fact that we have approaching-zero control over what we think and feel.

  • It’s been like one of those long running soap operas.

    For at least the last 5 years “today’s” front page is nearly indistinguishable from “yesterday’s”.

    You can disappear for 6 months and come back and it’s exactly the same. You’ve missed nothing.

    Orange man bad, fascism bad, phobia bad, sexism bad, racism bad, bosses suck, inflation sucks, boomers suck, ooh a celebrity! Celebrity dead so sad.

  • While it is true that they were generally less prone to malware, that was not due to inherent security features/improvements over Windows, and was instead mostly function of the relative obscurity of the platform. Can’t get a virus from a downloaded game, because nobody makes made games for that platform.

    In every lab with students, all machines were regularly b0rked and when I say regularly, I mean monthly. Complete re-imaging of 200 machines every weekend ended up becoming the norm because the techs couldn’t deal with the endless destruction.

    It was really a matter of the platform having very little saturation in the market, and therefore less malware existed for it. However when in an environment with mostly Macs it was a shit show.

  • Yeah I don’t know why DuckDuckGo keeps getting recommended as much as it does.

    I couldn’t find on Google, the answer to a simple question the other day. All I wanted to know was the precooked weight of a particular fast food restaurant’s patty.

    I made it to page 3 of the Google results, wading through page after page of promotional content, news releases, and sponsored “news-style” articles that were thinly veiled ads.

    Decided to visit duck duck go, and was greeted with search results that were even worse than Google.

    I realize it’s only one example, but to me it was an example of a search so specific, its egregious that the search engines simply refuse to return a page with the answer.