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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 20th, 2023


  • LainOfTheWired@lemy.loltomemes@lemmy.worldIt's just a coffee
    5 months ago

    The only thing I pay for is Crunchyroll. As for me it’s worth it as I get tons of stuff the watch for £5 a month and it’s also pretty easy to rip anything exclusive. And then I don’t feel like I’m giving nothing back to Japan when I pirate anything they don’t have I want.

    I also pay for a VPS, but I’d say that’s renting more then it is a subscription.

  • Honesty that’s a really bad time to launch as most people will still be broke from Christmas.

    Though it could be a plan to make it even more of a status symbol, so more people will budget or take out loans to get one.

    Honesty though I don’t think they will become a massive part of anyone’s daily lives anytime soon. As imagine the theft of these things if people started wearing them in public, and sure they can put all the anti theft stuff into it they want, but that hasn’t effected phone theft much.

    But my big thing is what does it offer me I can’t already do with my phone. The reason the smartphone was such a hit is it made so many things into one device and it is cheaper then getting all of those devices, and there is a genuine improvement in out and about life with one.

    With a headset I don’t really see what it does that I can’t already do easily at home. I have a laptop and a TV and both of those are cheaper. There is the gaming aspect, but no killer titles in that space. And I do worry about the negative mental health effects of such a device.

    So I wouldn’t be surprised if this is a flop and this kind of tech only gets usage in specialist applications.

  • It’s not purely talent that allows them to make this kind of stuff. Otherwise people outside of these agencies would be making this stuff too. It’s also the fact the CIA or any of the others can go to apple for example and get all of the information on how these chips are made and the firmware on them, then put the company under a gag order.

    It is silly to assume the governments hackers are any better then a good hacker that doesn’t work for them. And you need to realise that their advantages come from legal power, resources, and lesser regulations on research.

    Because a lot of silly conspiracy theories seem to stem from people believing that the government are somehow superior beings, when the only thing that makes them different from anyone else is power.